Darwin's Sonata

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Title: Darwin's Sonata
Author(s): elynross
Date(s): 19 June 1999
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Highlander
External Links: Darwin's Sonata (The Principality of Whimsy)
Darwin's Sonata (The NetCafe)

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Darwin's Sonata is a Duncan/Richie slash story by elynross.

Summary: Joe saved him the first time, but who'll save him now? The following story takes place at the end of "Something Wicked." (Rating: NC-17 It includes extreme, graphic m/m sexual violence.)

Author's notes:

I've always said I don't enjoy Richie slash -- and I still don't. This story is dark and disturbing, not for those who don't like the descent. I couldn't tell you precisely what sparked it, but it's quite a ride. Richie's erection appears courtesy of Luminosity, who also gave me excessively helpful feedback. Most importantly, this would not have been written without my evilmuse Rachael, who started to be co-author, but ran away to have a life, instead, and ended up as my most wicked inspiration. No muses were harmed in the composition of this piece. I have none as such.

Recs and Reviews

Plain Old Rape (if there is such a thing...) ## HL: It’s not the pain, the fear, the nightmares; Richie finds out that it’s the betrayal that hurts the most in Darwin’s Sonata by elynross. ("He could feel the tears run down his cheeks and the blood down his neck, and he focused on those, trying to ignore the taste and the smell. Mac grabbed his ears roughly and thrust, obscene noises issuing from that familiar throat. "Oh, yessss. That’s a good boy. Such a good boy.")[1]
