Adventures in Slime and Time

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Title: Adventures in Slime and Time
Publisher: Scared Sheetless Press, later agented/distributed through Bill Hupe
Editor(s): originally edited by Kathy Hintze, taken over by Sheila Paulson.
Date(s): 1991-1996
Series?: yes
Medium: Print
Genre: gen
Fandom: Quantum Leap and Real Ghostbusters
Language: English
External Links:
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Adventures in Slime and Time is a 5-issue gen anthology. The first 2 issues are a combination of Quantum Leap and Real Ghostbusters while issues 3-5 contain only Real Ghostbusters. A note in a 1995 Bill Hupe catalog says that issue #3 was to be the last issue, something that turned out not to be true.

Issue 1

Adventures in Slime and Time 1 was published in February 1991 and contains 106 pages.

cover of issue #1
title page, or alternate cover of issue #1

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1

Three out of five stars.

Three Ghostbusters stories, two QL and one that combines the two and throws in Shadow Chasers for a little variety. What is it about Ghostbusters that it is the universe I have so frequently seen crossed with QL (2nd only to Beauty and the Beast)?

  • "An Al a Day Better Keep the Doctor Away" March 17, 1954 - Kathy Hintze. Sam spends a leap as a polio stricken child. The kid has an IQ to rival Sam's, so Al has some explaining to do in the waiting room.
  • "Nine Tenths of the Law" - Sheila Paulson. Sam leaps into Jonathan MacKensie, but the demon possessing Jonathan at the time is split by the leap. It takes the Ghostbusters to get the possessions sorted out. Lots of fun.
  • "Visit from a Not so Proper Stranger" - "Artemis Gordon." Sam has a choice to make as he leaps out of Vietnam into a different sort of waiting room. Interesting concept, but I've seen other similar ones I liked better.[1]

Issue 2

Adventures in Slime and Time 2 was published in May 1992 and contains 88 pages. Story summaries and online review is

cover of issue #2
  • Prize by Sheila Paulson ("The other Ghostbusters nominate Peter for an award.") (Real Ghostbusters) (4)
  • All in a Day's Work by Rebecca Reeves (Quantum Leap) ("A first-person story about how Tina came to work on PQL. She's not a bimbo at all, though she has problems being perceived as one. She came from NASA on a special "assignment" and ended up with a new love and a new job.") (10)
  • Divide and Conquer by Sheila Paulson (Real Ghostbusters) (17)
  • Somewhere Down the Road by Kathy Hintze (Quantum Leap) ("Sam leaps into a lawyer in 1999. He's there to solve the murder of a lawyer active in the environmental movement. The victim's name rings a bell - Dirk Simon. Al gets to help in person.") (42)
  • The Stone by Julie Jay ("When Egon tests a magic gem on Janine without her knowledge, the results are disastrous—the gem is linked to an ancient sorceress, and now she's possessed Janine.") (Real Ghostbusters) (67)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2

Four out of five stars. Three Ghostbusters stories and two QL this time, but no cross universe. The QL stories are short, but very good."All in a Day's Work" - Rebecca Reeves. A wonderful, first person story about how Tina came to work on PQL. She's not a bimbo at all, though she has problems being perceived as one. She came from NASA on a special "assignment" and ended up with a new love and a new job. "Somewhere Down the Road" - Kathy Hintze. Sam leaps into a a lawyer in 1999. He's there to solve the murder of a lawyer active in the environmental movement. The victim's name rings a bell - Dirk Simon. Al gets to help in person. [2]

Issue 3

cover of issue #3

Adventures in Slime and Time 3 was published in 1993 and has art by Joy Riddle and Rolaine S. It is 75-pages and won a 1994 FanQ.

Issue 4

Adventures in Slime and Time 4 was published in 1995 and contains 101 pages.

cover of issue #4
flyer for issue #4
  • No Sale by Mary R. ("The Ghostbusters have their own methods of getting rid of obnoxious salespeople.") (1)
  • School Daze by Kat N. ("One of Winston's high school teachers calls him when students start haunting the school.") (13)
  • The Sting by Brenda A. ("A routine bust is interrupted by Peter's allergy.") (24)
  • Peter and Delilah by Diana Smith & Pat Dunn ("Peter's new girlfriend may be a supernatural threat.") (29)
  • Margaret by Cindy Rancourt ("Peter has to tell his father about his mother's passing.") (51)
  • Getting to Know You by Jeff Morris ("Xanatos hires the Ghostbusters to get information on the gargoyles.") (crossover with Gargoyles) (59)
  • Breaking Point by Sheila Paulson ("A breakup and a misunderstanding with the guys leave Peter in a bad place.") (74)

Issue 5

cover of issue #5

Adventures in Slime and Time 5 contains 200 pages and was published in 1996.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 5

Annita Smith's The Assignment is a delightful look into the guys' live from an outside viewpoint.

Verdict: recommended. [3]


  1. ^ QL Fanzine Reviews File #1 by Mary Anne Espenshade (June 23, 1994)
  2. ^ fromQL Zine Reviews File #2 by Mary Anne Espenshade (July 1, 1994)
  3. ^ Labidolemur's Recommendations