Witchfires Series

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Author(s): Madelaine Ingram
Date(s): 1990-1991
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The Professionals AU
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Witchfires Series contains five Professionals AU stories by Madelaine Ingram.

They were published as parts in Cross My Heart and Fantazine and collected together in Witchfire Omnibus also called Legends.

The stories feature the characters Beydr "A Prince of Vaal" (Bodie) and Raedal "A Prince of Zeft" (Ray) and are set in the mythical days of Atlantis.

At least one of the stories was later published as original fiction. [1]

The Parts

Descriptions from a flyer:

  • "Witchfires" (March 1990) in Cross My Heart #5 ("In the latter days of the elder Atlantis the new priesthood outlawed high magic and the greatest magicians were driven out. Soran Beydr, the blue eyed son of the High Priest Ashtoc, has the dangerous duty of hunting down the witch, Raedal. But in so doing, will he doom his ancient homeland? What secret does the witchboy command? And if he dies, what becomes of the Kingdom of High Atlantis? An exciting novella of grand fantasy, thrills and romance from a new writer sure to become a favorite.")
  • "Labyrinth" (1990) in Fantazine #2 ("Beydr and Raedal travel to Karnossus, in the land-girt sea, where the daughter colonies of elder Atlantis have begun to spread and divide. There, they discover a riddle, a maze and the threat of sudden death. Second in the five stories of the LEGENDS cycle. As Beydr and Raedal always knew, Mohan Ashtoc has learned what be-came of his willful seventh son; and Raedal's existence is no longer a secret. Both young men and prized and hunted, but not for the same reason. MAYAN ... Two Icari war galleys sail west to Jaymaca in search of an ancient tomb. Beydr and Raedal chance upon terrible danger, never faced before. What becomes of the ring, and drowned Atlantis, if they perish?")
  • "Mayan" (August 1990) in Cross My Heart #6 ("Two Icari war galleys sail west to Jaymaca in search of an ancient tomb. Beydr and Raedal chance upon terrible danger, never faced before. What becomes of the ring, and drowned Atlantis, if they perish?")
  • "Stormbringer" (1991) in Cross My Heart #7 ("Beydr and Raedal now have three rings, but Raedal is a novice and his life is in danger. Near death, he finds his Destiny on the barbar-ous Kelti Shore...and the Destiny of the sovereign realm of Atlantis. post-holocaust retreat where the company could have settled ... except for what the city fathers here want to do to Zax! Again, they're on the move — fast.")
  • "Phoenix" (April 1991) in Fantazine #3 ("The Quezelus sails on to Vaal. Beydr and Raedal meet the Fate they have always known they rush toward, but Ashtoc and the Legion are not the sum of their worries. There is the sea itself, and even the Power of Zeft may not stand against it. This is the final part of the Beydr/Raedal saga.")
