The Wonderland Series (X-Files fanfiction)

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Title: The Wonderland Series
Author(s): Karen Rasch
Length: 48615 words (87 pages)
Genre(s): het,
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: online here at The Annex: X-Files Novel Archive

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The Wonderland Series is a Mulder/Scully series of stories by Karen Rasch.

Reactions and Reviews

Is there anybody who's read X-Files fic but hasn't read something by Karen Rasch, if not this particular series? If that is you, quit reading what I have to say and click the story link now!

Karen's stories (which you can find at Gossamer) are always rich with emotion, full of some of the best dialogue ever, and positively drenched with romance. She writes Mulder and Scully the way that they pretty much never are on the show but how I'd love to see them in an ideal world, one without all those pesky aliens where they can just be eternal soulmates and love all over each other all the live long day. But there'd still have to be some angst, of course, because with that in mix, all UST and RST becomes that much more sweet.

This series of four stories (Of Cabbages and Kings, Impossible Things, More Than Nothing, and Joining the Dance) is the one of hers I can (and have) read over and over and feel like I'm reading it for the first time. Especially Impossible Things. All four stories are just marvelous and one big entry in the list of reasons why the cancer arc was quite probably the best thing to ever happen for X-Files fanfic.

I'm sure I'm not doing the stories justice with this rec. [1]


  1. ^ July 2004 rec at Crack Van