Lorraine Bartlett

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Name: Lorraine Bartlett, Lori Bartlett
Alias(es): Polaris Press
Type: fan writer, editor, fanzine publisher
Fandoms: Starsky & Hutch, Rat Patrol, Quantum Leap, Magnum PI, Beauty & the Beast
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Lorraine Bartlett was an early and influential writer in Starsky & Hutch fandom.

She began writing gen fan fiction in the late 1970s and continued writing up through the 1990s.

Her fanzine Rerun also won a FanQ Award in 1989.

In 1980, Bartlett was a guest of honor at the second Zebra Con. From the first progress report for that convention:

[...] Lori got into S&H in December, 1975 when she turned on [the episode] "The Shootout." It was the relationship between the two men that attracted her to the show. At that time there were no S&H fanzines, and Lori wanted a showcase for her own work as well as for others in fandom. And so, Zebra Three was born. By using these established characters, Lori can polish her own writing skills, and she hopes eventually to be a professional writer.

Zine Publications

Starsky & Hutch
