Sandra Necchi

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Name: Sandra Necchi, Sandra H. Necchi, Bobbie Hawkins, Kristen Brady (Hawkins connects to Brady in June 1989 in Interstat #140)
Type: fan writer, essayist
Fandoms: Star Wars, Star Trek: TOS, Star Trek: TNG
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Sandra Necchi was a fanwriter and fan artist, as well as a controversial letter writer.

In 1987, Necchi (using the name Bobbie Hawkins) was nominated for a Fan Q Award in 1987 for Best Star Trek Artist.

Necchi (using the name Bobbie Hawkins) was the central mailer for the first twelve issues of K/S & K.S. (Kindred Spirits).

Necchi (using the name Bobbie Hawkins) was also a long-time member of APA Enterprise until 1984, leaving that apa after thirteen tribs after she had felt she'd been the butt of a practical joke.

The Use of Pseuds

In 1984, Necchi quoted her own pseud in a duplicitous manner in the essay, Fandom's Lost Idealism:

It is a pity that this idealism has been abandoned since in today's turbulent, frightening time for the planet Earth, people need hope. STAR TREK offered it in its own small, wondrous way. As a conclusion, I'd like to quote from Bobbie Hawkins in INTERSTAT. Her letter makes me feel very old and silly, almost useless, since I am like her, an "old fossil."

In 1987, Necchi wrote a very controversial letter to her own letterzine, Power of Speech using the pseud, "Kristen Brady." This open letter was called Anatomy of a Letterzine, and it caused much controversy in the zine, Interstat as well as elsewhere.

Essays and Open Letters


Fiction: As Sandra Necchi

Beauty and the Beast

Dark Shadows

Star Trek: DS9

Star Trek: TOS

Star Wars


Art and Fiction: As Bobbie Hawkins

Sample Art