From Eroica With Love (From Eroica With Love zine)

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Title: From Eroica With Love
Publisher: Agent With Style
Editor(s): Lily Fulford
Type: fantranslation, scanlation
Date(s): 1993[1]-1995
Medium: print
Fandom: From Eroica With Love
Language: English
External Links:
ad for the first fan translations in Homosapien Trois
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.
a 1995 flyer

From Eroica With Love is a slash and adult anthology, English-translated manga scanlation.

These are some of the earliest English fan translations of the manga series and were created by Lily Fulford and other fans under the group name "Kx."

Some of these early scanlations were posted online here without credit.

Physical copies of these early scanlations can be found in the Escapade Fanzine Library.


Unlike scanlations of today, these zines were created manually with a single issue often taking a year to assemble. The manga first had to be translated from Japanese to English by fans. Then, pages had to be cut from the imported originals and the translated text typed onto separate piece of paper with close attention paid to spacing the words into a custom sized "window" to match the dialogue boxes in the originals. Once the translations were cut from the typed sheets with scissors, they were glued over the Japanese text by hand. This had to be done for every page before the book was reassembled. The assembled pages were then re-copied.


From the zines: "The page layout in this volume preserves the Japanese right-to-left order, and should be read in reverse of how you'd read a Western comic page. Also, the Japanese sound-effect characters are often part of the graphic design, and have been retained in many cases to keep the original "look" of the comic. Good luck!"

Book 1 No. 1-3

Book 1 (Issues 1-3) was published by 1993 and contains 227 pages.

Book 2 No. 4-6

front cover of Book 2: No. 4-6
back cover of Book 2: No. 4-6

Book 2 (Issues 4-6) was published between 1993 and 1995 and contains 252 pages.

Book 3 No. 7-8

front cover of Book 3: No. 7-8
back cover of Book 3: No. 7-8

Book 3 (Issues 7-8) was published between 1993 and 1995 or before and contains 210 pages.

Book 7 is titled: Hallelujah Express.

Book 8 is titled Veni, Vidi, Vici.

Book 4 No.9

front cover of Book 4: No. 9
back cover of Book 4: No. 9

Book 4 (Issue 9) was published between 1993-1995 or before and contains 288 pages. It is subtitled: From The Alaskan Front.

Book 5 No.10

Book 5 (Issue 10) was published in 1995 or before and contains 242 pages. It is subtitled: Glass Target.

Book 6 No.15

Book 6: No. 15
another cover of Book 6: No.15

Book 6 (Issue 15) was published in 1995 and contains 98 pages. It is subtitled: Nosferatu.

Book 12

Book 12 part 1 was published in 1995 and contains 226 pages.

Book 12 part 2 was published in 1995 and contains 228 pages.


  1. ^ A flyer in Homosapiens Trois (1993) lists the first book as being ready for purchase.