Alliance & Empire

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Title: Alliance & Empire
Publisher: Criterion Press
Editor(s): Kathy Agel
Date(s): 1993-1994
Series?: yes
Medium: print
Genre: gen
Fandom: Star Wars
Language: English
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Alliance & Empire is a gen Star Wars zine.

There were two issues. A third issue was proposed for March 1995, but it was not published.

Issue 1

cover of issue #1, cover by Karen Thomas

Alliance & Empire 1 contains 250 pages and was published in 1993. It won the 1994 FanQ Award for 'Best Star Wars Zine.'

The art is by Melanie Guttierrez, Jason C., Z.P. Florian, Ann H, Cathy C., Cheree Cargill, Wanda Lybarger, Karen Thomas (front cover), and A.G. Steyn.

From an ad: "30 original compositions, including Star Wars themed lyrics set to period popular songs."

From the editorial:

I hate doing editorials ~ I really do. Oh, I love doing zines, or I wouldn't do so many of them, but the editorial ~ well, let's just say it's a necessary evil. I always put it off until last, then agonize over filling that one final page. This one is being written at the last minute -- the copier is warming up behind me at this very second. Talk about procrastination!

So, what to say in this one? Shall I tell you what a great zine Alliance and Empire is, and how much I enjoyed doing it? It is, and I did. Shall I tell you that there's some wonderful fiction and knock-your-socks off art between the covers? That statement is true, as well. Shall I tell you how the cover art knocked me onto my rear when I took it out of the envelope? I think the bruises are just about healed now....

I feel there's a good mix in this zine, with old hands and new faces contributing material to suit virtually every taste. Short, medium and long fiction; poetry, and filks; and fabulous art ranging from illos to portraiture, to cartoons -- you're sure to find something to your liking here.

I'm especially proud to present reprints of two stories from the Golden Age of Star Wars fanfic ~ "Choice", which originally appeared in Skywalker 6, and appears here with the original art, and "Towards a Corellian Conquest", which originally appeared in Kessel Run 1, and is included here with new artwork by Jason Camp. Golden Age reprints will also appear in future issues of Alliance and Empire; Issue #2 will include "Love's Mysteries", another story from the Lady of the Rebellion series by Pat Nussman (which originally appeared in Kessel Run #2), and will also feature the original art by Wanda Lybarger.

And speaking of #2.... It's open for submissions now, and I hope to have it ready for Revelcon in 1994.

Full blame for this zine accrues to Mary Jean Holmes -- it was all her idea. She's the one who, in a conversation on the GEnie computer network (the General Electric Network for Information Exchange,) told me how surprised she was that I had never done a SW zine, since, after al, it was the fandom where I'd first started writing. That got the wheels turning -- I'd published SW material in Remote Control, where it was quite well received, but the idea of doing an all-SW zine hadn't occurred to me.

  • The Jade Jedi by Marti Schuller (3)
  • Darth Vader Reflects, poem by Jacqueline Taero (16)
  • A New Enemy by Z.P. Florian (17)
  • The Decline and Fall of Chewbacca the Wookiee in the Course of Three Films, poem by Jacqueline Taero (21)
  • Conversations by Maggie Nowakowska (22)
  • Friend, poem by Melissa Mastoris (26)
  • Untimely Arrival: A Clear Choice by Catriona Campbell (27)
  • Untimely Arrival: The Best of Intentions by Catriona Campbell (35)
  • Letter of Comment by Leia Organa, poem by Jacqueline Taero (commentary on the tie-in books by Timothy Zahn and how those books have Leia constantly pregnant/with lots of children.) (42)
  • The End of the Beginning by Jeannie Wester (43)
  • Deja Vu by Marcia Brin (winner of a 1994 FanQ) (46)
  • His Destiny, poem by Tammy Olsen (51)
  • Diversions by Rick Kirka (52)
  • Thoughts of a Princess, poem by Melissa Mastoris (63)
  • Art Portfolio by Wanda Lybarger (64)
  • Into the Woods by Z.P. Florian (A short vignette where Luke finds out just how unreliable the Ewoks are.) (73)
  • Dark as a Lord can Get, filk to the tune of "Gone As A Girl Can Get" George Strait, by Deborah Kittle (76)
  • Free, filk to the tune of "Believe" by Stryper, by Tammy Olsen (77)
  • I Feel Lucky Today, filk to the tune of "I Feel Lucky Today" by Mary Chapin Carpenter, by Deborah Kittle (78)
  • The Hope of a New Way, filk to the tune of f "Promise of a New Day" by Paula Abdul, by Tammy Olsen (80)
  • Jahn of the Jedi by Jean Graham (likely not the same as Jean of the Jedi, also by Graham, written in 1984) (81)
  • The Interrogation by Veronica Wilson (88)
  • Every Corellian Has His Day by Carolyn Golledge (Post Return of the Jedi. Han Solo is discharged from hospital and given strict order to rest. But there is an important mission coming up and....) (also in Never Say Die #8) (93)
  • Marionette by Jacqueline Taero (103)
  • Ord Mantell Interlude by Z.P. Florian (Han must save himself and Luke from a bounty hunter.) (104)
  • Woman Before Me, filk to the tune of "The Woman Before Me" by Trisha Yearwood, by Deborah Kittle (112)
  • The Tempting, poem by Veronica Wilson (114)
  • Siege at Corrda by Jennifer Kesler (117)
  • The First Batch by Deborah Kittle (149)
  • Toward a Corellian Conquest by Pat Nussman (reprinted with new art from Kessel Run #1) (173)
  • Scoundrel, poem by Melissa Mastoris (195)
  • Choice by Wanda Lybarger (reprinted with original art from Skywalker #6) (196)

Issue 2

cover of issue #2, Z.P. Florian. From the editorial: "Many hearty thanks go to Z.P. Florian, who jumped in and did the cover when the original artist backed out at the very last minute."

Alliance & Empire 2 was published in May 1994 and contains 264 pages.

The art is by Wanda Lybarger, Z.P.Florian, and S.M. Blalock. Cover by Z.P. Florian.

The zine debuted at MediaWest*Con. It won the 1995 FanQ Award for 'Best Star Wars Zine.'

  • Editorial (2)
  • Contact on Issquay by Debra Doyle and J.D. MacDonald (reprinted from From a Certain Point of View #4) (3)
  • Sleep Well, Young Man written and illustrated by Z.P. Florian (18)
  • Fortune is a Woman by Mary Jo Fox, illustrated by Z.P. Florian (23)
  • True Jedi by Marti Schuller, illustrated by S.M. Blalock (29)
  • Variations on a Theme by Veronica Wilson, illustrated by Z.P. Florian (49)
  • All in the Family by Cat Anson (55)
  • Stay With Me by Deborah Kittle (Han is wounded in a knife fight. He lapses into a coma. A mysterious female deity comes to claim him in death. Can Leia save him?), illustrated by Z.P. Florian (87)
  • Racing the Clouds by Catriona Campbell Boyle (Behind his guardians backs, fifteen year old Luke Skywalker joins his friends Biggs and Tank on a trip to Bestine Township for the annual Academy Recruitment Fair. And a few lessons are learned.), illustrated by S.M. Blalock (101)
  • Flyin' My Life Away, filk to the tune of "Drivin' My Life Away" by Eddie Rabbit, by Kathryn Agel (113)
  • Alderaan, filk to the tune of "End of Innocence" by Don Henley, by Cheree Cargill, illustrated by Cargill (114)
  • Time Out for Lov by Wendy Schwartz, illustrated by Z.P. Florian (116)
  • Illaru, illustrated and written by S.M. Blalock (119)
  • Leia Explains the Twins, poem by Jacqueline Taero (126)
  • You Mean Him...? by Jennifer Moore (127)
  • My Child, poem by Melissa Mastoris (134)
  • Two, poem by Kathryn Agel (135)
  • Reminiscence by Jacqueline Taero (136)
  • Excelsior!, written and illustrated by Wanda Lybarger (137)
  • Owen, poem by Melissa Mastoris (171)
  • The Return of the Corellian, written and illustrated by Z.P. Florian (reprinted in Han Solo) (172)
  • Love’s Mysteries by Pat Nussman (Han and Leia realize their feelings for each other on the ill-fated trip to Bespin. A definitive Han and Leia story and a classic of Star Wars fanzine fandom. PG13, contains some adult situations. (reprinted with original art from Kessel Run #2) (180)
  • Above All Shadows by Carolyn Golledge (also in Southern Knights #2) (209)