When Darkness Sleeps Beside You

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Title: When Darkness Sleeps Beside You
Author(s): rufflefeather
Date(s): 16 June 2012
Length: 14,795 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction, AU
Fandom(s): The Avengers (2012)
External Links: When Darkness Sleeps Beside You at AO3[1]
Avengers au steve works as an escort.png

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When Darkness Sleeps Beside You is a Steve/Tony AU by rufflefeather. The story is based on a gif set by superheroesandsuperhusbands on Tumblr.[2] The author says in the notes: "They gracefully gave me permission to use the dialogue and turn their gifs into this story."

Summary: Steve meets Tony Stark at a party while he's there escorting another woman. He's not opposed to making a quick buck but things don't go as planned.

Text from the gif set:

Avengers AU: Steve works as an escort to support himself as a struggling artist, and Tony is a rich… philanthropist.

“You’re way too young and pretty to be here voluntarily. So what’s your price? I’ll pay double.”

Steve turned around towards the voice. The man was handsome, he’ll give him that, but he was definitely tipsy, if not drunk - as evident by the almost empty glass of scotch in his hand. Still, Steve wasn’t going to pass up an opportunity to make a quick buck.

“Depends on what you’re after. Got a place we could go?”

The man smirked. “My room’s an elevator ride away.”

ViciousRhythm[3] and captainstevenstark[4] made illustrations based on the same scene from the story and thesuperhusbands[5] made two movie poster gifs.



  1. ^ "When Darkness Sleeps Beside You by rufflefeather". 2021-09-02. Archived from the original on 2021-09-02.
  2. ^ agentooq-blog (previously superheroesandsuperhusbands and agentbartoned). "AU: Steve works as an escort to support himself as a struggling artist, and Tony is a rich… philanthropist". 2021-09-02. Archived from the original on 2021-09-02. posted to tumblr June 1, 2012. (Accessed 18 June 2015.)
  3. ^ vicious-rhythm post in June 30, 2012 ""It's Tony who kisses Steve over his shoulder, as they kneel naked on a bed, Steve's one hand pressed to Tony's groin, the other splayed wide and possessive on his belly."". 2012-12-10. Archived from the original on 2012-12-10.
  4. ^ captainstevenstark "Ooc: Huzzah, I have completed my first Steve and Tony arts :D I had a total of 18 people visit on Join me, though only three of them talked". 2012-12-25. Archived from the original on 2012-12-25.
  5. ^ thesuperhusbands post in July 20, 2012 "if superhusbands fics were movies, When Darkness Sleeps Beside You by rufflefeather". 2021-09-02. Archived from the original on 2021-09-02.