What We Bury

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Title: What We Bury
Author(s): Ridley C. James
Date(s): 31 August 11–31 October 2011
Length: 28,977 words
Genre(s): gen fanfiction, smarm?, pre-slash?
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: What We Bury (FF.net)

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What We Bury is a Hawaii Five-0 story by Ridley C. James.

Summary: A wrongful shooting takes a treacherous turn when a father's grief pushes him to seek vengeance on Steve McGarrett and the Five-0 Team.

Recs and Reviews

Pairing: could be read as really strong gen bromance or light Steve/Danny slash [...] This is a very moving story that ties in so many elements I enjoy: h/c, family, volatile emotions, casefic, and holding onto hope with both fists. I really enjoyed how the author made the characters come alive with fantastic character voices and extremely vivid emotions. I could literally feel Steve's and Gracie's stubborn belief that no matter the prognosis, Danny was going to turn out OK at the end. The casefic portion was short and really on the sideline of the h/c portions, but the whole showdown in the hospital room had me on the edge of my seat, let me tell ya. What this fic really boils down to is how close these people are with each other, the everlasting hope that a loved one will come through tragedy ultimately OK, and a wonderful support system of family and friends.[1]


  1. ^ duonoaikouka in: crack_van. What We Bury by Ridley C James (R by reccer), 27 March 2013. (Accessed 08 June 2016)