Two Wolves

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Title: Two Wolves
Author(s): Xanthe
Date(s): 06 June 2011 - 11 June 2011
Length: 147,000 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): NCIS
External Links: Two Wolves (Master Post)
cover by bluespirit_star

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cover by theeverdream

Two Wolves is a Gibbs/DiNozzo novel by Xanthe. Because of its length the story was posted in six chapters, starting on Monday June 6th and finishing on Saturday June 11th, 2011.


While investigating the disappearance of a Marine, Gibbs is abducted, sold, and forced to fight in a brutal tournament where the price of winning is almost as high as the cost of losing, and death waits constantly in the wings. After five months of hitting brick walls, Tony finally hatches a desperate plan to rescue Gibbs, only to find him a very changed man. In order to escape, Tony has to remind Gibbs who he is and awaken a sleeping wolf inside him. But, haunted by his ordeal and the acts he’s been forced to commit, can there ever really be a way back for Gibbs?

Author's Comments

It's been thirteen years since I wrote Subterfuge in The X Files fandom. That had a very similar premise to this story, but Two Wolves is a very different kind of story and goes into much darker territory. However, there is one scene in this story that is a deliberate homage to Subterfuge.[1]

The story contains rape, non-con, whumping, violence and the Fuck or Die trope.


  • bluespirit_star and theeverdream have made cover graphics for the story and winter_elf as well as cinderella81 created both an additional Two Wolves graphic.[2]
  • flyonthewall2 has drawn a picture illustrating one of the key scenes from Two Wolves. The image is NSFW and shows a naked Gibbs carrying an equally naked DiNozzo over his shoulder.[3]
  • dinky_di_1 made a funny Two Wolves meta picspam called It's Just a Story[4] in which the team reads Two Wolves and reacts accordingly.

Goodreads Reviews

For the fannish reaction to reviews about fanfic at Goodreads see Some Topics Regarding Reviews of Fanfiction Posted at Goodreads
There's one thing I regret. It's a fact that I know original characters... Gibbs reminds me my professors from University, so it's rather weird to read about him as a MC of M/M story ;) As for Tony, ekhm. How am I suppose to believe in his romantic nature? He's such a clown. I know, it's just a mask, it's not his true 'self'. Still, it wasn't easy to forget about all my knowledge and enjoy the story.

Anyway, that was something new. For me, I guess. Usually, when book has mystery and is brutal, it's thriller and nothing more. When I get something romantic, everything else is moved into the background. Sometimes I need an equal combination of this two elements. Here it comes. Interesting idea for a book, even if a little bit scary. One thing I can admit, I dont' want to know if this scenario could have happened in RL. Brrr... Definitely horrible. This story is about survival, fighting for it and for humanity. How much people can do in order to survive and how to do it, not loosing yourself.

Last thing, the song "Wonderful World" by Sam Cooke. It always reminds me of M/M romances, well, I can't help it :P But when I listen to it, I think about something sweet/cute/adorable and after that, my vision has changed. Now it's bittersweet with a hint of hope. Still romantic, all in all, but different.[5]

A very enjoyable NCIS fanfic. Not BDSM, but interesting aspects of power and adaptation to stress and violence explored. Good dialogue and the depictions of Gibbs and Tony rang true. A very long 6 chapters, and I did skim a bit, but a fun and at times gripping read. [6]

Absolutely loved this story!!!! Stumbled upon it and couldn't stop reading it and did not want it to end! [7]


  1. ^ Xanthe. Two Wolves - 0/19, 06 June 2011. (Accessed 12 June 2011)
  2. ^ Two Wolves Graphics and Picspam!, 24 June 2011. (Accessed 25 June 2011)
  3. ^ Gorgeous Two Wolves Drawing!, 25 June 2011. (Accessed 25 June 2011)
  4. ^ dinky_di_1. It's just a story, 13 June 2011. (Accessed 25 June 2011)
  5. ^ Fairy Anna at Goodreads, May 2012
  6. ^ Emma Sea at Goodreads, February 2013
  7. ^ Jordan at Goodreads, October 2014