Twenty-Four Victors, Twenty-Four Tributes: Meet Your Quarter Quell Contestants

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Title: Twenty-Four Victors, Twenty-Four Tributes: Meet Your Quarter Quell Contestants
Author(s): aimmyarrowshigh
Date(s): Jan 23, 2011
Length: 4722 words
Genre(s): Gen, Canon Compliant, Backstory, Angst
Fandom(s): The Hunger Games
External Links: on AO3, on LiveJournal, on

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Twenty-Four Victors, Twenty-Four Tributes: Meet Your Quarter Quell Contestants is an oft-recced fanfiction for the Hunger Games fandom. The story is gen and provides backstories and character studies of minor and major characters.

At 936 kudos, this is one of the most popular gen fics for the fandom on AO3. The story won in two categories (and was nominated in an additional four) in The Pearl Awards.

The author, aimmyarrowshigh, wrote the story in a simple style, conveying years of information in short vignettes. A short excerpt is included below.


"Mags remembers the time before there were Hunger Games. She’s eighty-two years old and the memories are fuzzy, but the first games were held when she was seven, so she alone among the Victors in the Quarter Quell knows what a life without the Games, without the Capitol, without Reapings and Tributes and District Specialties is like. She doesn’t remember the Uprisings much; they were hidden from children.

That’s one of the differences between the alleged barbarism of the Districts and the cruelty of the Capitol, and Mags is proof of it – the Capitol fights its battles by slaughtering children, and the Districts hid the slaughter of adults from their children. Mags is surprised every day that she’s allowed to continue being alive, knowing this."[1]

Reactions and Recs

"This is a perfect snapshot of the lives, thoughts and histories of the victors we see in Catching Fire. Each piece reads like a poem; the narration style is understated, yet dark, lyrical, and intensely personal for each character. Be warned: some parts, particularly the ones devoted to Cashmere, Quoila, Heliquo and Johanna are quite disturbing and/or contain adult themes."[2]

Comment by Analiza on TV Tropes

"Why do I recommend it: Because this is a window open into the life of the 24 tributes reaped for the 75th Hunger Games. It’s incisive, hard and uncompromising. I love the ideas developed in this OS, the choices in the characterizations. Go discover it!"[3]

Rec by mahalblackteapot on tumblr

"Possibly the best exploration of Victor culture and life I've ever seen. It's so realistic I don't know how I didn't see half of this coming, but. Wow. Some of these characters will make you cry, some of them will make you rage, but the entire fic will leave you speechless."[4]

Bookmark by meggannn on AO3

"There were so many good aspects to this piece.

I have literally read it multiple times, just randomly coming back to it during my free time.

I am beyond impressed with your ability to generate the different Games and scenarios in a matter of sentences.

I particularly loved Cashmere's. It is without a doubt, the best and most original story I have had the pleasure of reading for a minor character."[5]

Nick210 (from June 2011)

"I love how you gave the missing characters personalities and assigned some deaths that were never described in Catching Fire. And the insight into some of the minor characters, like Cashmere was super perfect.

Also, I like how you kept Katniss and Peeta's short. They were also perfect.

Perhaps the only complaint I have would be the kinda over-the-top naming you have.. Heliquo, Quoila, Cytocyn, Phosphodee, Icelus? From what I could tell in Collins' books, names were more likely to be few syllables and simple, but just not common English names. Gale/Prim/Peeta/Katniss/Cashmere/Gloss are all 1 or 2 syllables and it's really obvious how to pronounce them. There's also the flower theme from D11/D12 and the fancy theme from some of the Careers (Cashmere, Gloss, Glimmer, Marvel), so keeping with those could have worked?"[5]

writtenepiphany from March 2011


  1. ^ AO3
  2. ^ FanficRecs/TheHungerGames, Archived version (Accessed September 13, 2020)
  3. ^ Twenty Four Victors, Twenty Four Tributes, Archived version Rec on tumblr.
  4. ^ AO3 bookmarks (page 15) (Accessed Sepember 13, 2020)
  5. ^ a b comments (earliest page), Archived version Accessed and archived Sept 15, 2020.