Trapped (in her American circumstance)

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Title: Trapped (in her American circumstance)
Author(s): Verasteine
Date(s): 13 July 2011
Length: 2,004 words
Genre(s): gen fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Trapped (in her American circumstance) (AO3)

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Trapped (in her American circumstance) is a Hawaii Five-0 gen story by Verasteine.

Summary: Mary knows her brother. And this is not what Steve does.

Recs and Reviews

Mary is not a sympathetic character for me. Or, well, she is and she isn’t. Steve is definitely my favourite character and of course I can see where he’s coming from with his relationship with Mary but at the same time I don’t really like her character because she’s written in a way that makes it hard for me to understand her choices. There’s nothing wrong with it but it does mean that usually I wouldn’t even consider reading something from Mary’s POV. In the case of this fic, that would be a mistake.

This is WAAAAY pre-series. This is pre-death of their mom, pre-moving back to the mainland. This is back when things should have been good for both of the McGarrett kids. My favourite thing about this is that it shows that things weren’t okay. They were liveable but not great. You can see exactly how the fallout from everything takes them from who they are in this story to who they are in the series, both together and as separate entities. It is a really really well done POV one-shot of a character who doesn’t have much of a voice in the show.

Another thing I really like about this fic is that, here, Mary gets the be the protector, she’s the one keeping Steve’s secret, comforting him, helping him. It’s such a role reversal for them later on and I really enjoy seeing it so well played out.[1]


  1. ^ its-2-am. H50 S1&2 fic recs, 23 February 2015. (Accessed 01 June 2016)