Traitor's Throne

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Title: Traitor's Throne
Author(s): Cluegirl
Date(s): 20 May 2013
Length: 31,779 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction, Alternate Universe
Fandom(s): The Avengers (2012), Iron Man (movies), Captain America (movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
External Links: Traitor's Throne (AO3)
C_IM Reverse Big Bang art (Tumblr)

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Traitor's Throne is a Steve/Tony fantasy AU by Cluegirl. It was written for the Cap/Iron Man Reverse Bang 2013. The story is based on fanart by dyingforheroism.

Summary: The war is over, the invaders are defeated, and the Avenger is dead. A year later on, searching for absolution, Prince Anthony Stark makes a pilgrimage back to where it all began.

Recs and Reviews

Art by dyingforheroism. The scene depicted happens at the end of the story when Tony faces the Avenger dragon he thought he killed and Steve's secret identiy is revealed.
Steve and the dragon are one and the same and Tony has finally come home. not sure how to characterize this. Medieval-like AU where instead of the arc reactor, Tony has the White Star crystals in his chest, and uses them to fly as well. Steve is both the Paladin and the Avengers (dragon) and Brother Steve the monk. Told in a non-linear fashion, where the fic oscillates between Before, when Tony worked with the Paladin to overthrow Stane's rule, and After, where Tony goes looking for Steve and chains himself to a rock because he doesn't know who or where Steve is.[1]

Ok I'm wiping away the tears now. I'm always impressed when an author manages to put together scenes scattered through the story to tell the full story. Not that a scattering of scenes is hard, but putting them together to tell the whole story and flow naturally for the reader so that they don't feel cheated? That takes talent. I love the story as well. The twist of Steve being the one with the secret identity. The hints at the ancient technologies Tony discovered and how the stones shaped the history of the world. The Rootless being the superpowered/mutants. All these little details of world building. And while I don't think it will happen, I'd love to see more stories in this verse. Or at least see your world building notes. :P[2]

This is so ridiculously impressive. The way you've woven an entirely new world, and somehow retained everything reconisable, is amazing, but to contruct an entire plotline on top of that? I love this so much <3[3]

This is astounding. I NEED THE META OF THIS. I mean, I need you to write the "How I conceived of all this, point by point" story behind this, I need it need it! Oh, this is so freaking delightful, what with your slow reveal of every new character translation in this 'verse, and the magic concepts, and DRAGONS, and Ordeals with a capital O and secret monasteries and gorgeous in-storyverse lines like "I will return at terce with food, and cordial for your pains."...I just want to make a giant list of all the references that made me squee, so why not try: Ironheight, Dummy the horse (and Butterfingers and You the mules), Peter's "lines and slips", One-Eye Summers, Steel Pete and his sister Yana, Kitty Quick-- KITTY QUICK, oh my god, why does that please me so-- Miss Wander and her brother, Ben Grim and Thin Richard--oh, cripes, I CAN'T GO ON, it's all so utterly delightful, all of it...wait, I gotta shout-out to Logan and his pitchfork, ah ha ha! And THE CARTERINE SISTERS, oh my god, how that sounds like an actual convent. Look, I NEED the author's backstory on this, it's a NEED, don't hold out on me, ye cruel creature! Loved every word, can hardly wait to rec this.[4]

This AU was rich enough I kept getting stuck between wanting to see it split out and written up long form with the serial numbers filed off and seeing all the ways it's clearly fanfic and drawing on the source text, saying something in relation to it that couldn't be done in universe or without it. Also, I kept sulking that I like their ideas better than my own, and I've been trying a fantasy version of these guys in my head since last summer. There's stuff I felt I'd need to know more comics to catch the references to but it's still moving at the core.[5]


  1. ^ vucizalis. AO3 Rec, 23 June 2013. (Accessed 23 June 2013)
  2. ^ Salmastryon. AO3 comment, 20 May 2013. (Accessed 23 June 2013)
  3. ^ justanotherStonyfan. AO3 comment, 20 May 2013. (Accessed 23 June 2013)
  4. ^ Amanuensis. AO3 comment, 20 May 2013. (Accessed 23 June 2013)
  5. ^ beccaelizabeth. AO3 rec, 06 June 2013. (Accessed 23 June 2013)