The Same Everywhere

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Title: The Same Everywhere
Author(s): Jane Mortimer
Date(s): 08 March 1997
Length: 13,710 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: The Same Everywhere (author's page, via Wayback)

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The Same Everywhere is a Mulder/Krycek story by Jane Mortimer.

The story was posted in four parts to the newsgroup on 8 March 1997 (or 9 March 1997, accounting for time zone differences).

It was later available for download at Mulder/Krycek Romantics Association, and then on the author's webpage.

The story. and its sequel The Hand We Were Dealt. were the winner of the 1997 Whammy Awards in the category 'Best Series Fanfic'.

Descriptions from the Author

The author, Marita, wrote:

I did not write this. I am merely fulfilling my duties as the Slash Fairy, delivering joy to the girls and boys of the world. This is a truly exceptional story. Jane is a godess among slash writers, and this is her first story posted to a.t.x.c. Enjoy. [1]

Description from the author's site:

My first dip into the slash pool. My corruption continued. [2]

Recs and Reviews

Mulder/Krycek. A not-so-classic X-File involving alien possession. Beautifully written, this story takes a hard look at the price of obsession.[3]

Since [L] is heavily into Mulder/Krycek these days, maybe this is the place to mention that one of the best I've seen recently has been published on the net, Jane Mortimer's "The Same Everywhere." I love this writer's style, the quirky power balance between the two, and her incredibly unique way of combining angst, sex, and a truly unique brand of humor. She's in the progress of writing a sequel, "The Hand We Were Dealt," which is being posted in segments on [L's] M/K. list, and it's just as good. [4]

Oh yeah. Yeah. (Sigh.) It's proof positive that I will read anything, about any icky character indulging in ickier sexual practices, if the writer is good. And like it. Maybe I really do read for style, not sex. (Maybe I'm really from Mars. Is that why everything here is so weird?) Is "The Hand We Were Dealt With" finished yet? I'd love to read the whole set. [5]


  1. ^ Doro. Personal notes. (Accessed 01 June 2013)
  2. ^ Short Stories and Essays of Jane Mortimer, via Wayback. (Accessed 01 June 2013)
  3. ^ Rushlight. Rushlight's Recs: The X-Files. (Accessed 01 June 2013)
  4. ^ from Strange Bedfellows (APA) #16 (February 1997)
  5. ^ from Strange Bedfellows (APA) #17 (May 1997)