The Prince Regent of Camelot

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Title: The Prince Regent of Camelot
Author(s): onelittlesleep
Date(s): 05 May 2011
Length: ~15,900 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Merlin
External Links: The Prince Regent of Camelot (LiveJournal)

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The Prince Regent of Camelot is a Merlin/Arthur Canon AU by onelittlesleep.

Author's notes: "So this is the weirdest thing I've ever written. It started off as a crackfic and then got plotty. What is this about? It's canon AU. Merlin starts the fic underage (14), but nothing happens overtly sexual until he's much older. Arthur is...a hobbyist? Yeah, I have no idea how to explain this."

Contains: spanking, underage, non-con spanking and belting, angst.

Recs and Reviews

Okay, first of all, do not be put off by the warnings! Merlin is underage when Arthur first spanks him, but it's for discipline only. This fic is amazingly sweet and detailed. I love how Arthur is recognizably Arthur in this AU, bearing the weight of the kingdom on his shoulders, heavy with responsibility and self-doubt. The relationship between Merlin and Arthur is a slow build, from their unorthodox friendship when Merlin is an adolescent to their coming together as lovers when Merlin returns from a long absence. Although this is an AU, Merlin's loyalty is just as strong as in canon, as is Arthur's devotion to both the kingdom and his father. (The father-son relationship in this fic is the best I've read.) The details of Arthur's wood-carving hobby, a sub-plot involving knights and tradition, and a friendship with both Leon and Gaius are wonderfully understated. Descriptions are apt and simple, yet highly affecting. This story is quiet. One of my favorite threads is the wood-carving hobby Merlin and Arthur share. It is utilized to great effect by bringing them together and soldering their bond. My heart was full by the end, I was so freaking happy![1]

Every once in a while a fic comes along and renews all my love for Merlin and Arthur. This story has a slow, tender pace that gently builds to the destined, intense relationship we love so much. It's plotty and rich and full of interesting side characters and beautiful glimpses at Leon as Arthur’s friend and the relationship between Arthur and his father. I don't think I've ever read such an intimate, beautiful and true-to-life depiction of Arthur and Uther's relationship. The warnings refer to a pretty historically accurate depiction of spanking that isn't sexualized or even kinky when Merlin is a child in the story. But it's handled very sensitively as obviously something that shaped his sexual interests as a man. But really, this is NOT a story about kink, it's a story about love and destiny and responsibility and needing someone to share your life and love with. I have butterflies in my stomach thinking about it right now.[2]

Arthur’s hobby was so unique and cute, and I liked the way his relationship with Merlin is developed, as Merlin is not his manservant in this fic. (Note: Nothing romantic or sexual happens between the two until Merlin is of age.)[3]


  1. ^ ella_bane. Insta Rec!, 06 May 2011. (Accessed 11 March 2012)
  2. ^ "lolafeist Merlin Fic Recs 06 May 2011. (Accessed 11 March 2012)". Archived from the original on 2023-03-13.
  3. ^ "Merthur Fic Recs". Archived from the original on 2023-03-03.