The Man with the Clockwork Heart

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Title: The Man with the Clockwork Heart
Author(s): indigostohelit
Date(s): 02 September 2011 - 16 December 2011, reposted 21 April 2012
Length: 30,413 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction, slavefic, AU
Fandom(s): Captain America/Iron Man, Marvel Cinematic Universe
External Links: The Man with the Clockwork Heart (AO3)
Illustration by La Pinshe Konsha

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The Man with the Clockwork Heart is a pre-TA Steve/Tony AU by indigostohelit. The story was originally written for the capkink meme[1] and later reposted de-anon.[2]

Summary: His village destroyed by the northern Empire, Steve Rogers is sold as a slave to Lord Tony Stark, a man with no heart but a ticking clockwork machine inside his chest. He's been told that Lord Stark takes pleasure slaves, and bitter, grieving, and terrified, he expects nothing more of a northerner. But months pass, and Stark does nothing. In a rapidly unfolding chaos of scheming politics and a clockwork world, Steve begins to wonder what sort of man Stark is—and whether he'd mind being a pleasure slave at all.

La Pinshe Konsha created a piece of fanart based on the story.[3]

Recs and Reviews

The characterization in this fic! OMG! The characterization in this fic! Steve feels. Tony feels. SO. BEAUTIFUL. DON’T let the slavery warning scare you off. This is totally gorgeous.[4]

Steve is captured in a war and sold as a slave to Tony. Tony has built weapons used against Steve's people in the war, and feels crappy about it. They still fall in love, and go to a ball, and fight Hammer.[5]

Steampunk Steve/Tony AU of AWESOME. I really REALLY enjoyed this story. I will now bookmark it and save it FOREVER and I need to reread it again (and again and again). The world building is well done and the Steve/Tony is sweet, and the steampunk-y technology fits well with Tony's genius and I enjoyed the plot. Everything is wonderful and nothing hurts.[6]

Inspired Fanworks


  1. ^ Anonymous in capkink. The Man with the Clockwork Heart, 1/??, 02 September 2011. (Accessed 02 May 2012)
  2. ^ indigostohelit in cap_ironman. The Man with the Clockwork Heart, 20 April 2012. (Accessed 02 May 2012)
  3. ^ pinshekonsha. A fanart of this awesome fanfic The Man with the Clockwork Heart, 30 July 2012. (07 August 2012)
  4. ^ jeangenieisplayingpoi. The Man with the Clockwork Heart. (Accessed 02 May 2012)
  5. ^ snowdrop. Pinboard summary. (Accessed 02 May 2012)
  6. ^ kahn. AO3 rec, 22 April 2012. (Accessed 02 May 2012)