The Last Love Song of Anthony E. Stark

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Title: The Last Love Song of Anthony E. Stark
Author(s): jibrailis
Date(s): 01 March 2012
Length: 42,333 words
Genre(s): slash, amnesia
Fandom(s): The Avengers (2012), Marvel Cinematic Universe
External Links: The Last Love Song of Anthony E. Stark (AO3)

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The Last Love Song of Anthony E. Stark is a Steve/Tony story by jibrailis. The title is based on T.S. Eliot's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.[1]

Summary: After contracting an Asgardian virus, Tony starts forgetting things. And people. And Steve.

Jen K. created a cover drawing for the story[2] and le-prince-lutin made an illustration of Tony holding the victory-flower.[3] thesuperhusbands made a "if superhusbands fics were movies" gif set for the story.[4]

Recs and Reviews

ALL. OF. MY. FEELS. ALL OF THEM. Also don’t let the summary scare you. There’s a happy ending, I promise.[5]

An epic quest-based fairytale and Steve/Tony all rolled into one beautifully well-written story that is made of win.[6]

The one where Tony catches an Asgardian STD and then goes on a tour of Asgard with Steve, Sif, and Loki.[7]

I want this story to be a movie. Because I can see it: the cinematography, the mood, a beautiful tundra, the bleakness and moments of reprieve, the subtleties of a character's demeanor afforded only by a masterful actor. I love how Tony had wanted to be an astronaut, and how crossing the Bifrost was this transcendental, spacelike experience that minted the psychological exhaustion and mindfuck with an out-of-body quality for the rest of the story. "One day, out of the ice, I met Steve Rogers." Lovely. And it means so much in the context of both the Avengers and this fic.[8]

Ah! This is so gorgeous! The idea is so original and scary and magical (while also being kind of a callback to the comic where Tony deletes his brain). And it's all so beautifully written--lyrical, but also Tony Stark matter of fact. I loved the mood twining all through it, and the pining didn't feel overly miserable, which I loved. It was bittersweet, but he also just loved being Steve's friend (and same with Steve). "Each pining for the other" is a tough thing to do well and believably, but it was *perfect* here. [...]

And major major kudos for Tony's memory-loss journey. Truly scary, but also v lyrical in a fairy tale way. And I loved that he remained fairly tough and competent throughout. Stealing the chain, shooting the zombies, finding a cave in a snowstorm. And all the little details of his life coming to him and slipping away.

The ending also was perfect. [...] Man, I haven't even really articulated all the awesome points or even properly described what was so lovely--closest I can come is that this story gave me a universe to sink into, a dramatic mood that filled my head totally--but anyway! This story made me very happy and was so *good* and thank you! [9]

This one is Tony/Steve and it hurts in all the best ways. It breaks your heart and then hugs you while you sob until suddenly it's all better and you've got tear stains down your shirt. Basically, Tony contracts a forgetting virus--and this is as well done as the same plotline was in that SGA fic way back when and in the Atlantis episode itself where Rodney lost his intelligence slowly. Goodness, this fic is good. If this fic was a foodstuff, it would be the best glass of fine wine ever from a bottle you'll never be able to replace.[10]

Wow... Just simply wow. I was hesitant, at first. The title threw me off, and I wasn't expecting anything quite as powerful as this.[11]

this story is AMAZING. Tony's voice--Tony's VOICE is FANTASTIC. There's pining and plot and the writing is superb, so that the thread of what's going on is not lost despite the fact that it's told from a POV that's falling to pieces due to memory loss. It weaves some very interesting Norse mythology in amongst all the interesting character interactions. The Loki/Sif does nothing for me, but both Loki and Sif were well-realized and interesting.[12]



  1. ^ jibrailis. reply to comment, 21 March 2012 (Accessed 24 June 2012)
  2. ^ Jenken. The Last Love Song of Anthony E. Stark, 11 March 2012. (Accessed 24 June 2012)
  3. ^ le-prince-lutin. fanart for: The Last Love Song of Anthony E. Stark by jibrailis, 03 June 2012. (Accessed 24 June 2012)
  4. ^ thesuperhusbands if superhusbands fics were movies - The Last Love Song of Anthony E. Stark by jibrailis. (Accessed 29 July 2012)
  5. ^ kari-reads-fic in cap_ironman Tumblr. The Last Love Song Of Anthony E. Stark. (Accessed 24 June 2012)
  6. ^ saddle_tramp. AO3 bookmark, 01 March 2012. (Accessed 24 June 2012)
  7. ^ Qable. AO3 Bookmark, 23 March 2012. (Accessed 24 June 2012)
  8. ^ snapples. AO3 comment, 02 March 2012. (Accessed 24 June 2012)
  9. ^ cellia. AO3 comment, 03 March 2012
  10. ^ suchdisguise. No, I really AM still alive!, 07 April 2012. (Accessed 24 June 2012)
  11. ^ TehDono. AO3 comment, 14 May 2012. (Accessed 24 June 2012)
  12. ^ kahn. AO3 bookmark, 02 March 2012. (Accessed 24 June 2012)


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