Snow White Furball

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Title: Snow White Furball
Author(s): bluflamingo
Date(s): 26 January 2012
Length: ~1,900 words
Genre(s): gen fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Snow White Furball (LJ)

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Snow White Furball is a Hawaii Five-0 story by bluflamingo.

Summary: Steve finds a box of kittens in his truck

Recs and Reviews

Steve found the box in the bed of his truck when he got to Five-0 HQ, or at least that was what he told the team when Danny demanded to know why there were four small kittens crawling over Steve's desk. Well, the premise is Steve finding a box of kittens in his truck. I'm not really sure what else a story needs, to be honest. But just in case you need more convincing: lovely Steve + Danny friendship, adorable team interaction, and Steve!angst that broke my heart into little tiny pieces. Recommended to anyone who likes hurt/comfort (and kittens!).[1]


  1. ^ tailoredshirt in: crack_van. Snow White Furball by bluflamingo (G), 31 July 2012. (Accessed 08 June 2016)