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Title: Sacred
Author(s): stellarmeadow
Date(s): 31 October 2011
Length: 345 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Sacred (LJ)

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Sacred is a Steve/Danny story by stellarmeadow.

Summary: Some things are sacred and should not be messed with.

Recs and Reviews

It's canon that the only two people to call Danny by the nickname of "Danno" is Grace, his daughter, and Steve- because he knows it rubs Danny up the wrong way most of the time when he does. But they are the only two who do- not even Chin Ho, Kono, Rachel or even Danny's brother- Matty, refer to him as Danno. Then in this season's Halloween episode, the writers chose to have the new team member Lori Weston call him Danno. Some fans had no problem with it but several did and this story is quick look at if Steve thinks the newest team member has broken an unspoken rule.[1]


  1. ^ fatorangekat. Recs, because I'm way behind on these, 06 January 2012. (Accessed 02 June 2016)