Roll Like A Team

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Title: Roll Like A Team
Author(s): robanybody
Date(s): 13 October 2010
Length: 5,700 words
Genre(s): threesome fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Roll Like A Team (LJ)

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Roll Like A Team is a Steve/Danny/Kono story by robanybody.

Notes: "I apparently take all of leupagus's fic suggestions as a direct challenge to my authoritah and end up writing ridiculous things just to make her respect me. So this is for her: 5,700 words of Kono/Steve/Danny porn with drunken shenanigans, hopefully funny banter, and a distinct lack of respect for Steve's house or his issues."

Recs and Reviews

I don't typically read much threesome fic, but these last two stories I'm rec'cing are so awesome that they must be read, even if it isn't your thing. What I like about this story is that it's got fantastic banter and everyone seems in character, especially Kono. She wishes Steve and Danny would fuck already, but isn't really opposed to getting caught in the middle of all that sexual tension. Danny's a lot oblivious, and Steve ... well, he's crazy enough to admit what he wants once Kono's given him a nudge in the right direction.

What follows is incredibly hot, and as Danny says: "I feel like maybe I've hit my head and am hallucinating all of this ... Because seriously, this shit only happens in porn ... this does not happen in real fucking life." Except when it does.

Seriously, this story is so hot that even if you're an OTP Steve/Danny slasher, you will wish there were more fics out there like this one.[1]


  1. ^ laceymcbain in: crack_van. Roll Like A Team by robanybody (NC-17), 28 February 2012. (Accessed 08 June 2016)