Problems in Relativity

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Title: Problems in Relativity
Author(s): Muccamukk
Date(s): 31 December 2011
Length: 7,680 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction, AU
Fandom(s): The Avengers
External Links: Problems in Relativity (AO3)
Problems in Relativity (cap_ironman)
illustration by hackedmotionsensors

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Problems in Relativity is a Steve/Tony Space AU by Muccamukk. It was written for for often_adamanta for Cap/Iron Man Secret Santa 2011. The prompt was: "Steve Rogers is the captain of a space ship!"

Summary: Steve Rogers, captain of the spacecraft America, resents playing Director Fury's errand boy, and that's before the mission to collect a mysterious package leads to more trouble then he ever wanted.

hackedmotionsensors created an illustration for the story:

From Problems in Relativity by muccamukk where Cap was a Space Captain and Tony was…..well..Tony. And they wore nifty space suits and Pepper’s suit was not zero-gravity appropriate and they had zero-gravity sex. It was wonderful and I put Tony in a VELLLOOOOUUURRRRRRRR suit. Steve’s is in some sort of Code Geass inspired body suit that I MADE SHINY FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN MY OWN.[1]

Recs and Reviews

I love a good space epic. Now I want the followup, dammit. Where Tony works to disable his technology, and the group slowly begins to trust each other.[2]

Steve Rogers is a surly space captain! Tony is a piece of unexpectedly troublesome cargo. A quick fun little fic set in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace. You guys, how much do I love space.[3]

This is amazing! This was the prompt I really wanted filled but didn't think would be written because a lot of people find sci-fi intimidating, so believe me when I say that I was happy before I even read a word. But then I did read it, and oh, everyone was awesome, and it had such lovely details, like relativity at fault for Cap's lost years, and Barton using Thor as a launch point in zero-g, and the description of the jump. And then zero-g sex! And barrier lube! You broke my brain with that whole, hot scene, I am not gonna lie.[4]


  1. ^ hackedmotionsensors. Fanart for Problems in Relativity, 17 January 2012. (Accessed 07 July 2012)
  2. ^ tavella. Comment, 12 January 2012. (Accessed 07 July 2012)
  3. ^ icoulduseinsouciantmaybe. Avengers Fic 2012, 16 May 2012. (Accessed 07 July 2012)
  4. ^ often_adamanta. Comment, 01 January 2012. (Accessed 07 July 2012)