Not In This Land Alone

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Title: Not In This Land Alone
Author(s): torakowalski
Date(s): 01 September 2010
Length: 37,800 words / 4:10:29 hours
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Merlin
External Links: Not In This Land Alone (Livejournal, PDF)
Not In This Land Alone (AO3)
Cover Art
Art Masterpost
Not In This Land Alone (Audiofic Archive)
story cover by lamardeuse

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Not In This Land Alone is a Merlin/Arthur Modern AU by torakowalski (37,800 words). It was written for Paperlegends, the Merlin Big Bang challenge in 2010. The story starts out as Merlin/Will but that soon changes.

Summary: Modern AU. When Merlin Emrys gets a summer job at Buckingham Palace, he doesn't expect to even meet King Arthur, let alone become involved in protecting him from a plot to overthrow the monarchy.

Lamardeuse created pinch-hit cover art for the story and willowbell made two illustrations and a fanmix. Merlin's head in the story cover "is totally thanks to nicci_mac, who modified a recent shot of Colin for a manip and graciously allowed its use."[1]

crinklysolution podficced the story[2] and it's available at the Audiofic Archive.

Recs and Reviews

podfic cover
A really fantastic Modern King Arthur story. I simply adored this fic from beginning to end. It’s a tightly written, perfectly charming epic AU using a trope that's already been done brilliantly a few times over and yet the concept of this one felt new and breathed new life into it for me. Arthur is young – 21ish, and newly crowned (Uther had died only a few months before this fic begins) . Arthur must learn his place in a world where for many reasons no one close to him treats him as if he’s truly King.[3]

This fic is nothing short of perfect. I adore Arthur as a young King, lonely and unhappy with never being told anything or consulted for his opinion. And Merlin, of course, who sees straight through the royal façade to the man beneath. I tend to be very wary about Merlin/Arthur fics that start off Merlin/Will, but the author handled both relationships (no cheating!) wonderfully, and I was never once dissatisfied with either. The plot draws you in and holds you there, and the action is very well written.[4]

What a wonderful, action packed story. Merlin's job believably got him into the palace and his first meetings with fun and funny. I loved the image of Merlin magically cleaning and then thinking he's bringing the palace down around him when it's actually Arthur coming through a secret passage. [...] The relationships you built between Arthur and Morgana and Morgana and Morgause were warm and charming, and it was nice to know Arthur had some support as he was growing up. [...] I loved the talking portraits and how totally unnerving Uther was the first time. Really, Gaius could have warned poor Merlin. Getting that kind of destiny sprung on you could give a person a heart attack! The attacks were vivid and frightening, and all the conspirators were entertainingly evil. [5]

In which Arthur is the Prince of Wales, Merlin gets a summer job in the palace, and there are Dark Anti-Monarchist Plots afoot. Merlin/Arthur fic as modern suspense novel."[6]

I read this one a while ago, but it’s stuck with me because it’s an exceptionally well-done modern AU. For Merthur fics, modern AUs are probably my favourite fics, mostly because I’m always intrigued to see how a writer takes the characters and adapts them to modern society.

I particularly enjoy how these two idiots dance around each other and pretend to annoy each other, when really, you can see the heart-eyes shining between them. Friggin cosmic love, I tell you.

Read if you’re a Merthur fan.[7]

Oh this fic is such fun! Merlin is working at Buckingham Palace and ends up befriending and ultimately falling in love with King Arthur. Yep, it's as awesome as it sounds. And it's got magic and suspense and a bit of angst, to be honest it has pretty much has everything you want a fic to have. I am more a fan of canon-era fics but this is one of the modern-era fics that definitely show you how good this type of fic can be. If you've read it already it's worth a reread and if you haven't read it yet - run, don't walk. Fair warning though, because I know it can put some people off, Merlin is in a relationship with Will when the fic starts but it finishes not too far into the fic and there is no infidelity.[8]

It’s incredibly entertaining and I laughed so many times while I was reading it. The slowly building relationship between Arthur and Merlin was also pitch-perfect, and there’s even a good plot outside the relationship one. It’s really everything I could ask for in a Merlin modern royalty AU.[9]


  1. ^ lamardeuse. Art note, 02 September 2010. (Accessed 17 September 2010)
  2. ^ crinklysolution. Merlin: Podfic of Not In This Land Alone by torakowalski, read by crinklysolution, 06 June 2011. (Accessed 11 June 2011)
  3. ^ marguerite_26. MERLIN BIG BANG RECS, 02 September 2010. (Accessed 17 September)
  4. ^ dreamdustmama. My brain is fic-fuzzy., 05 September 2010. (Accessed 17 September 2010)
  5. ^ Brunettepet, AO3 comment
  6. ^ melannen. Longfic recs for Stellar_dust (and anybody else who wants them), 12 January 2011. (Accessed 12 January 2011)
  7. ^ "Fanfic Wednesday: "Not in This Land Alone"". Archived from the original on 2023-03-10.
  8. ^ "Not In This Land Alone, Merlin/Arthur, Sept 14, 2013 Livejournal post". Archived from the original on 2023-03-10.
  9. ^ "August 22, 2014 Tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2023-03-10.