No Less Unthinkable

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Title: No Less Unthinkable
Author(s): rageprufrock
Date(s): February 14 2017
Length: 79k words; 3 chapters
Genre(s): Romance
Fandom(s): Yuri!!! on Ice
External Links: Archive of Our Own;

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No Less Unthinkable is a Yuuri/Viktor fic written by rageprufrock.

Summary: In which Katsuki Yuuri fights a losing battle with chronic anxiety, the quadruple Salchow, and his own judgment four drinks in — but wins the war.

Reactions & Reviews

On Archive of Our Own, the fic has gained over 3.8k kudos

This could very well be my favorite fic ever. We follow Yuuri from his first kiss (followed 20 minutes later by some other significant firsts, too) all the way through the end of S1. The prose is poetic and evocative and leans heavily on the descriptive, and there is not a single word wasted anywhere. Highly highly highly recommended.[1]

In my notes next to this fic I have ‘Drunk Yuuri fucks everyone’ … which I think is pretty accurate! This is super sweet and super fun and kicks you right in the feels in the best way.[2]

I recently read this fic and it’s so so good. The writing is some of the best i’ve ever read. Including some of the best smut scenes in the history of ever.[2]

my friend, I have already ruined my sleep schedule for that fic, and sighed over the wonder that is phichit’s snapchat, and laughed at pru for how valiantly the narrative strives to return to the innocent fields of filthy porn while getting itself constantly, deliciously bogged down in feelings.

and then I had an innocent question about logistics which devolved a chat room into discussing the reasons why you would never let a pet octopus watch you fuck. but that’s neither here nor there.

BUT YES. READ THIS FIC, EVERYONE. it’s a novel’s worth of anxiety and slow romance and PHICHIT BEING THE BEST and victor being the worst and yuuri being an idiot and also getting laid a lot. and it does that very pru thing where it kind of wraps you up and tumbles you along until you emerge out the other side feeling simultaneously like you’ve been mugged at knifepoint by emotion and like your soul has been healed in some pure, fundamental way.


Well, this one is really tons of smut (a lot in the first chapter, less in the second), but it also portrays Yuuri as somewhat more experienced than you would normally see, so that’s cute. First Chapter is pre-canon, second is FITG for S01.

Bonus points:

Wonderful characterization.

Yuuri and Yuri, LOLZ.

Best sex talks EVER.

Quite a lot of crack. Seriously. These people are HILARIOUS. Snap Stories. Phichit. Dear god.


Also, it might be 2 chapters… but it’s long. J[4]

Stunning fic![5]

I’ve been affectionately dubbing this fic the slutty Yuuri picture show, because damn. The porn itself is exquisitely written, yes, but more than that is the way Yuuri himself is written. That realness that I was talking about above is very prominent here too. [6]

i’m very fond of “no less unthinkable” by @rageprufrock too. aside from just. really great flow, it’s the first fic that like. made me absolutely love slutty!drunk!edition-yuuri.[7]

Inspired Fanworks

Annapods published a podfic of the story on September 27, 2017.


  1. ^ "May 2, 2017 Tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2022-09-11.
  2. ^ a b "Post at yurioniceficrecs". Archived from the original on 2022-09-11.
  3. ^ "Feb 15, 2017 Tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2022-09-11.
  4. ^ "Yuri on Ice Fic Rec Mega List". Archived from the original on 2022-09-11.
  5. ^ "Completed Victuuri Fics (Over 40k Words)". Archived from the original on 2022-09-11.
  6. ^ "TOP 25 FICS OF 2017". Archived from the original on 2022-09-11.
  7. ^ "what are some of your favorite yoi fanfictions?". Archived from the original on 2022-09-11.