Mr. July

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Title: Mr. July
Author(s): jibrailis
Date(s): 25 October 2011
Length: 10,065 words / 1:00:49 hours
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The Avengers (2012), Captain America, Iron Man
External Links: Mr. July (AO3)
Podfic (AO3)
podfic cover

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Mr. July is a Steve/Tony story by jibrailis.

Summary: Tony is the only one who can defend Steve's virtue. Tony hates his life.

sundancekid podficced the story.[1]

SyndromeY created an illustration inspired by Mr. July that shows Steve posing naked with just his shield.[2][3] Artist notes:

April, May, June, July—and hello Steve’s pectorals, how fine you look today. For all those inquiring minds - Steve is definitely wearing SOMETHING underneath that shield. I mean come on - it's captain friggin america - champion of all things virgin and good.

Recs and Reviews

Steve posses for a calender and Tony deals with it in his own way. The author takes what can be a really cracky prompt in most fandoms and makes it into a lot more than it sounds. Plus the visual of Captain America wearing nothing but a strategically placed sheild is...memorable. [4]

Why I Like It: I am not a fan of cutesy fics, or schmoopiness where I feel that’s the only reason for it being written [...] But this fic isn’t cutesy. I can’t figure out what makes it not-cutesy, and not-schmoopy, but pretty much all over I loved it. The premise is perhaps a little giggle-inducing, but man—the writing, the Tony Starkness, the Steveness, yes. All of it, yes.[5]

Mr July by jibrailis is a fangirl's dream fic. Seriously, its all about getting Steve's clothes off. Basically it starts with Steve posing in a calender (for charity of course) which rouses his fans to such a frenzy that all the super villains the Avengers meet now have the united goal of depriving Captain America of his clothes. Tony however, is secretly in love/lust with Steve and wants to keep that awesome bod all to himself. So he keeps trying to invent better materials to stop Steve's outfit from coming off. This story is so well-written, springing on me little lines that make me burst out chortling with laughter. A total gem of a read.[6]

The first time I read this, I nearly fell out of my chair at some points, I was laughing so hard. Every time I want a pick-me-up fic, and am in the mood from Steve/Tony, this is where I inevitably turn.[7]

Inspired Fanworks


  1. ^ sundancekid in amplificathon. Mr. July [Avengers], 20 July 2012. (Accessed 21 July 2012)
  2. ^ Mr. July. (Accessed 08 September 2012)
  3. ^ cap_ironman Tumblr. Artwork inspired by jibrailis’s fanfiction Mr. July. (Accessed 08 September 2012)
  4. ^ hardticket. 4 fic recs, 15 May 2012. (Accessed 16 May 2012)
  5. ^ cautionzombies. Steve/Tony + Thor/Loki Rec List, 21 July 2012. (Accessed 28 July 2012)
  6. ^ "Avengers Fic Recs part 2". Archived from the original on 2023-05-05.
  7. ^ "Avengers rec list (+ excuses)". Archived from the original on 2023-05-05.