More Than You Know

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Title: More Than You Know
Author(s): nutkin
Date(s): 2007
Length: 3770 words
Fandom(s): J2
External Links: story at AO3

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More Than You Know is a J2 story written by nutkin written in the 2nd person. It was selected to be part of petite madame's J2-S&D Calendar Wallpaper Project.

Summary: Jared and Jensen go on a roadtrip, discover America, and fall in love.


This captures all the feelings of roadtrip, a time outside of time, the slow dawning of something more in the best friendship you ever had. Really romantic, but not at all in a schmaltzy way - real world romance, perhaps. Just lovely.[1]

I really love fics that pepper me with little truths about life, relationships, etc. The ability of an author to wrangle some incredible insight (that I lack) into words is what always impresses me the most. This is one of those fics - absolutely amazing intuition. How you managed to make it so realistic, but still engross us all through a second person perspective, is beyond me. This one will stick with me for a long, long time."[2]

this makes me want things I'm quite afraid to want. It's sleepy and slow, yet urgent and light at the same time. It reminds me of On the Road; it doesn't try to be anything other than what it is, they're not trying to do anything other than what they're doing.[3]

Second-person awesomeness from Jared’s POV. The boys take a road trip across the real USA, the one they’re always pretending about but haven’t ever seen. They eat bad food, get sunburned, don’t talk about their girlfriends, and stumble into being in love. Gorgeous writing; the author shades things with just enough well-chosen detail to paint a full portrait. I dig a little ambiguity in fic, and nutkin does it beautifully here. Another story I hated to see end, because it’s just about freaking perfect.[4]

Fan Art Gallery

Below is a some of the fanart created for this story. Art has been included with the artist's permission.


  1. ^ crack-impala's Blast from The Past dated Dec 3, 2011.
  2. ^ comment in the LJ story post dated May 12, 2007.
  3. ^ comment in the LJ story post dated May 25, 2007.
  4. ^ "SPN Fic Recs". Archived from the original on 2023-05-23.