Like a Shepherd

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Title: Like a Shepherd
Author(s): Lisa Payne (L.M. Payne)
Date(s): 11/13 January 1994
Length: 11 or 14K
Fandom(s): X-Files/Forever Knight
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Like a Shepherd is an X-Files/Forever Knight story by Lisa Payne. It was part of a planned trilogy in which only two parts were completed.

The first part was posted on January 11, 1994 (to an FK list, but which?), and to on January 13, 1994, possibly making it the earliest X-Files story posted to a public list.[1]

It was archived by here.

See List of Very Early X-Files Fanfiction for similar works.

Author's Summary

"Mulder and Scully meet up with vampire cop Nick Knight in Toronto while checking into a possible UFO incident."

Fan Comments

Great story, but you spelled Scully's [2] name wrong! [3]

The Second Part

The second part, also titled "Like a Shepherd" is at Archive of Our Own. See Like a Shepherd.

That story incorporated the original character "Buptcha" from a story by Don Bassingthwaite. The author wrote: "I don't remember the title of the fic anymore, but it was awesome."

This second part also included details of LaCroix's past from Karin Welss's Heart of Darkness." It also used, with permission, the original characters Menelaos of Pergamon and Sharibet created by Marian Gibbons and Karin Welss.

The author's notes to this second story:

This story would follow my previously posted story, "Like a Shepherd," and it takes for granted the details of LaCroix's past from Karin Welss's "Heart of Darkness." (It therefore goes AU some time between the first and the second season of FK, which makes sense because that's when I wrote it.) The copyright to the characters Menelaos of Pergamon and Sharibet is owned by Marian Gibbons and Karin Welss, and they are used here with permission. The copyright to the characters of Nick, Nat and Janette is, of course, owned by the "Forever Knight" people, and they are used without permission. (Is that the FCC police I hear battering down my door?) I'm sorry, but I feel compelled to see how many stories I can write entitled "Like a Shepherd." This would be '[Like a Shepherd]', if I come up with another it would be '[Like a Shepherd]', etc. (Alas, the end of the series was pretty much like the end of Hamlet, and I never was able to finish the third one of these. It's languished untouched on the hard drive since 1995.)


  1. ^, October 8, 1998
  2. ^ It was spelled "Sculley".
  3. ^ STORY: Like a Shepherd (X-Files/Forever Knight crossover) (Jul 23, 1994)