Light At the End of the Tunnel

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Title: Light At the End of the Tunnel
Author(s): bluflamingo
Date(s): 09 October 2011
Length: 3,191 words
Genre(s): gen fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Light At the End of the Tunnel (AO3)

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Light At the End of the Tunnel is a Hawaii Five-0 gen story by bluflamingo.

Summary: The first time Catherine meets Steve, he's a voice on the other end of the radio, asking for her help

Recs and Reviews

So, against all odds, Cath is actually taking over my favourite character place for this show. I’m still only about mid-S3 so there is a lot of time for it to go back to Steve but there is a lot to be said about a smart, sarcastic, loyal, beautiful Navy Intelligence officer who drives a metallic blue 1970s Corvette Stingray and I really kind of love her a lot.

This fic is not one I would usually read from the description, I’m not sure what made me click on it actually, but it’s so so good. I don’t want to spoil it at all but I love that it’s from Cath’s POV, I love the back and forth between her and Steve despite the fact that they don’t even know each other’s names yet. The beginning is mildly confusing, or maybe I was just really sleepy when I read it, but after you get part the authorisation fic the whole thing is just gold. I also love that Cath’s reaction to Steve is impressed by his normal batshit insane behaviour but kind of used to it, because she’s Navy Intelligence. She knows what it’s like to work with these guys.

It’s a great fic, not too long, and I just want to hug it because I liked it so much. Definitely a good read.[1]


  1. ^ its-2-am. H50 recs, 05 March 2015. (Accessed 02 June 2016)