just drink the water where you came from

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Title: just drink the water where you came from
Author(s): ink_like_blood
Date(s): 24 October 2010
Length: 2,500 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: just drink the water where you came from (LJ)

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just drink the water where you came from is a Steve/Chin Ho story by ink_like_blood.

Summary: There’s the history that you own, and then there's the history that you don’t talk about, but that lives deep inside you all the damn time. Steve and Chin have that kind. Also, there is a lot of frottage.

Recs and Reviews

Steve/Chin Ho, NC-17, ~2500 words === Steve and Chin have history beyond who broke whose records at quarterback. Yum. Yes.[1]


  1. ^ topaz119. h5-0 things that made me happy, 30 November 2010. (Accessed 14 June 2016)