James Bond (character)

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Name: James Bond, 007
Occupation: spy
Relationships: Vesper Lynd (love interest), Madeleine Swann (love interest), Mathilde Swann (daughter)
Fandom: James Bond
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James Bond is a British secret agent working for MI6 and answers to his codename, 007. Is a fictional character created by the novelist Ian Fleming in 1953. Over the years he has been played by several actors, in addition to being widely honored and/or parodied.


The Different Bonds

Sean Connery etc. all the way to Daniel Craig (is there another new guy now?)


Alias Fan Theory

Many fans believe that the name James Bond is a nickname given to different MI6 agents when they receive the mantle of 007. This would explain the Bond universe and its different actors playing the character, as well as the uninterrupted streak of service to the British crown over so many years.

The Daniel Craig reboot of the franchise seemed to throw a wrench in this interpretation, when Bond visited his parents graves in Skyfall. Some fans argue that this does not contradict the theory, however.[1]


Due to the many movies and books that feature the character, the Bond's pairings with other members of MI6's spy division vary between het and slash. Works focusing on gen relationships are also popular.

The most famous slash pairings are James Bond/Alec Trevelyan, James Bond/Q and James Bond/Q/Alec Trevelyan. James Bond/M is also reasonably popular on AO3.

Example Fanworks

