In Dreams She Comes

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Title: In Dreams She Comes
Author(s): kare
Date(s): 04 January 2012
Length: 1900+ words
Genre(s): gen fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: In Dreams She Comes (LJ)

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In Dreams She Comes is a Hawaii Five-0 gen story by kare.

Summary: This isn’t romantic, it’s a gen fic involving Steve’s subconscious trying to come to terms with fear, betrayal, pain, and forgiveness. Characters: Steve, Jenna, very brief Danny and team.

He walked through life as if North Korea hadn’t happened. As if he hadn’t been strung up and tortured. As if he hadn’t witnessed the taking of another life. But…

Recs and Reviews

Less is more is how I think of kare's stories. With a minumum of words (usually 100) she captures images and emotions that are both so vivid and real, it blows my mind. This season of Five-0 has been lacking tremendously, but for occasional glimpses of what we loved most. And then there was the standout episode thus far that inspired more codas and "what ifs", dealing with the aftermath sadly ignored by the writers of the series. Kare finally wrote her's, heartbreaking and bittersweet with images both ethereal and vivid.[1]


  1. ^ fatorangekat. Recs, because I'm way behind on these, 06 January 2012. (Accessed 02 June 2016)