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Title: Homefront
Author(s): sam_storyteller
Date(s): 15 February 2012
Length: ~12,900 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The Avengers (2012), Iron Man, Captain America
External Links: Homefront (Dreamwidth)
Homefront (AO3)

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Homefront is a Steve/Tony story by sam_storyteller.

Summary: Steve Rogers is a capable leader, a kind and cheerful man, a good friend, a strong role model, and a loyal soldier. He's also teetering on the edge of suicide. (Warnings: Extensive discussion of grief, PTSD, some talk of suicidal impulses. Unwise drinking practices and some mention of alcoholism.)

Recs and Reviews

"So, normally I wouldn’t rec Sam-fic, because while I love everything he writes with the fiery passion of a thousand suns, I tend to assume everyone’s read it already. But! This one just went up today, and it’s, just, ugh. It’s so real it aches (mind the warnings, on that front), and the picture it paints of Steve in particular is exquisite. Just. God, yes. Read at once."[1]

This is a wonderful piece of fanfiction. The author offers you a unique look into Captain America as he grieves and wishes to return to his time. I loved this because I haven’t really found anything exploring Steve’s grief for Peggy and Bucky’s deaths quite at this level. Steve is suicidal in a passive-aggressive way and it’s Tony’s job to fix it. This is really wonderfully written.[2]

Lets be honest the story is amazing it's more honest view on how people grieve. And how canon kinda pisses me off they expect Steve to be fine and be happy to be here while his world and every one he loved is gone. So yeah this fic is a little honest than canon this matter--my only complaint is that it's not longer.[3]

A great character study of Steve's adjustment to modern times, and Tony helping him deal with it all. It made me cry, it made me grin... definitely worth reading.[4]

This was painful to read. It was also so very wonderful. There's no sad ending here, folks, so don't let that stop you from enjoying this REMARKABLE story.[5]


  1. ^ gyzym. Rec: Homefront, by copperbadge/sam_storyteller (Steve/Tony, R), 15 February 2012. (Accessed 12 March 2012)
  2. ^ rec-myworld. Homefront: (Steve/Tony). (Accessed 19 August 2012)
  3. ^ "Avengers rec-Steve/Tony". Archived from the original on 2023-05-05.
  4. ^ "May 14, 2012 Tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2023-05-05.
  5. ^ "The Avengers". Archived from the original on 2023-05-05. {{cite web}}: Text "Multi-recs" ignored (help); Text "Steve/Tony" ignored (help)