Ghost in the Wires

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Title: Ghost in the Wires
Author(s): sororexitium
Date(s): 25 January 2012
Length: 48,292 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Avengers
External Links: Ghost in the Wires (AO3)
Ghost in the Wires (LiveJournal)

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Ghost in the Wires is a Steve/Tony story by sororexitium.

Summary: When Steve moves into Avengers mansion he is caught up in strange coincidences. He walks behind an unseen ghost: a ghost who leaves empty spaces all around the manor. It doesn't make sense, and it sounds crazy until he meets Anthony, a computer simulation programmed by Anthony Stark, who died two years ago. Then it just seems even crazier.

Recs and Reviews

"Avengers AU where everyone thinks Tony Stark died in Afghanistan, except for Obie (who’s a bad dude) and Steve (who thinks the computer AI that keeps talking to him is suspiciously sentient)."[1]

"THIS IS AMAZING! How does this fandom have so many AWESOME writers? Just, damn they're good, and this one is a fantastic example! There's a few typos, but the story is so well-done that I didn't even mind them. One of the best long fics in the fandom, I think!"[2]

There’s something melancholy about the idea of falling in love with someone from a distance. This impressively ambitious fic is hauntingly lovely in all the right places, with a complete and satisfying resolution. Rated M.[3]

Oh my god, this fic, okay? Just wow. This fic was beautifully written and Tony’s reactions to Steve physically pained me. I was not prepared for the emotional onslaught I was caught in when Steve figured it out and ‘Anthony’ told him to drop it and Thor and the puppy!!!! JFC I would read this fic a million times and still love it.[4]

Another great stony fic where Steve tries to deal with being part of the Avengers while meeting the simulation and his feelings towards Tony. So great.[5]

Inspired Fanworks


  1. ^ marcicat. weekend fic rec, 03 February 2012. (Accessed 12 March 2012)
  2. ^ saddle_tramp. AO3 Rec. (Accessed 12 March 2012
  3. ^ kickassstevetonyrecs. Ghost in the Wires, 30 July 2012. (Accessed 04 August 2012)
  4. ^ "Oct 6, 2013 Tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2023-05-05.
  5. ^ "Stony Fics: AU style". Archived from the original on 2023-05-05.