Conquering the Great King

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Title: Conquering the Great King
Author(s): SuggestiveScribe
Date(s): February 2015 - May 2015
Length: 105k+ words (17 chapters)
Genre(s): AU, Explicit
Fandom(s): Haikyuu
External Links: on AO3

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Conquering the Great King by SuggestiveScribe is an Iwaoi Haikyuu fanfic. It is the first work in the Breaking the Rules series, and is followed by How to Manage.

The fic was written for the ask "i need an au where oikawa meets iwaizumi at a bar and iwaizumi's quietly flirting with someone else and oikawa just scares them away and sits down in their place and straight up tells iwaizumi he's the one that iwaizumi will be taking home. iwa-chan finally agrees and as soon as they get in his apartment he tells oikawa that he's not going to treat him like the royalty that he thinks he is, and oikawa wholeheartedly accepts this. cue iwa fucking the sass out of oikawa while he calls him daddy[1]" on nsfw--haikyuu, a tumblr for nsfw Haikyuu headcanons.


Iwaizumi blinked his gaze over to Oikawa, "Last time was supposed to be a one time thing," he said, voice low, lacking some conviction.

Oikawa's lips twitched into a smirk and he brought them hovering just over Iwaizumi's, "One time thing, Two time thing, what's it matter as long as it's not a Relationship thing?"


As of March 2019 the work has over 12.5k kudos and over 3,100 bookmarks on AO3. It is the most popular Haikyuu work by kudos and hits. It is the second-most bookmarked, after to be first, to be best, another Iwaoi fic.

There is a translation into Italiano.


ah, a true fandom classic, this fic does not disappoint. it’s a great au, with amazing development, and lots of great character interactions and side-pairings and perfectly written emotional build-up.[2]

Relationship development here is ABSOLUTELY a thing. Workaholic Iwa who doesn’t want to go into a relationship because he’s… a workaholic meets great-in-bed-ass-hunter Oikawa and though they may love each other eventually, what’s to say they can get together with all the shit they have going on? Angst and also happiness. This fic makes my day! Also the sex. Is really great. If you needed another reason to read this. There it is.[3]

100/100 THIS IS THE BIBLE OF IWAOI FANFICS. I read this fanfic for the smut but I stayed for the deliciously sinful smut (duh) and brilliantly written storyline. I will re-read this over and over again.[4]

you’ve probably heard of this one. it’s the start of a series that is basically fandom famous. like, i don’t even have the words to describe how good this is. a lot of smut. a lot of feelings. shit, it’s just so good. i’d recommend finding a spare few days and reading this series in one go. if kuroken and daisuga aren’t for you though, just read that first one and fall in love my friend.[5]

Inpired Fanworks

