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Title: Cleansing
Author(s): nemoinis
Date(s): 2005
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
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Cleansing is a Stargate Atlantis Teyla/Elizabeth story by nemoinis.

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Ah, the joy of a fannish cliche. In this story, Elizabeth participates in an Athosian ritual, to wash away the ill-will between herself and Teyla left after the events of Suspicion. Okay, yes, it is a pretty thin plot, but there are hot tubs and hot sex, and there is no bad in that.

It was just outside the new settlement, hidden behind a wall of vines, down a narrow crack and into an open room.

"Oh," Elizabeth exclaimed when they arrived, "a hot spring."

Steam curled gently from the surface of the small pool, making the air humid and heavy but something smelled sweet, like flowers mixed with burnt sugar. Roughly hewn benches lined the walls, piled with stacks of cloth that Elizabeth assumed were towels. Teyla drew the flap hanging over the entrance closed and secured the ties.

"No one will disturb us." [1]


  1. ^ Rec50, 2005