Bring the sun back

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Title: Bring the sun back
Author(s): pushdragon
Date(s): 28 February 2011
Length: 28,899 words
Genre(s): slash, angst
Fandom(s): Merlin
External Links: Bring the sun back (LiveJournal)
Bring the sun back (AO3)

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Bring the sun back is a Merlin/Arthur story by pushdragon.

Summary: "Fanfic classic #3: Unexpected Possession of Magic. Inexplicable things keep happening around Arthur. In the end, he can only accept that he's got magic in him. Magic is a curse that needs to be stamped out, and Arthur shows himself no mercy. "

The story has a sequel called In a different light.[1] Here Merlin and Arthur go back to Camelot to face the consequences of the lies they've both had to tell.

Recs and Reviews

The summary tells you most of what you need to know. [...] Arthur's reaction to his 'magic' (his horourable resolve) and Merlin's reaction to losing Arthur (darkest anguish) are exactly spot-on in a beautifully crafted story taking one of the staples of Merlin fandom - the magic reveal/discovery - and giving it a fantastic and well written twist.[2]

This should be required reading for anyone interested in canon fics. Such unbelievably perfect dialogue. The tenderness between Arthur and Merlin is so gorgeous and so real. A perfect mix of plot and action and magic and the tropes that make us go "ooooo" all wrapped up in some of the most delightful prose I've read in ages. I found myself stopping and catching my breath over so many little turns of phrase. Oh, this story.[3]


  1. ^ pushdragon. In a different light, 05 October 2011. (Accessed 29 October 2011)
  2. ^ jasmasson in crack_van. Bring the Sun Back by Pushdragon (R), 01 October 2011. (Accessed 29 October 2011)
  3. ^ lolafeist. Fic Recs, 19 April 2011. (Accessed 11 March 2012)