Beware Goa'ulds Bearing Gifts

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Title: Beware Goa'ulds Bearing Gifts
Author(s): Pink Rabbit Productions
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: online here

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Beware Goa'ulds Bearing Gifts is a Stargate Atlantis Sam/Janet (friendship) story by Pink Rabbit Productions.

Reactions and Reviews

I like well-plotted stories with a sense of humour and good characterisation. I'm planning to rec stories in a range of genres, but I'm going to concentrate on fics that focus on the women characters, because looking through the archives those have been somewhat neglected by the van. Why this must be read: Beware Goa'ulds Bearing gifts is the seventh story in Pink Rabbit's "Bits and Pieces" series. The series is based around the Stargate season one episodes, which means that although there is an ongoing storyline which charts the (very) slow development of a romantic relationship between Sam and Janet, it's possible to read most of the fics in the series as stand-alones. Pink Rabbit's SGC is a world where men are men, with all their faults and quirks as well as undeniable heroism, and where women are smart, strong and sexy. Beware Goa'ulds Bearing Gifts is a postscript to the episode Hathor, and I recommend it for that alone: a Hathor fic that's not all about Daniel is a pearl beyond price. Without neglecting the male characters, Pink Rabbit's story is describes the consequences of Hathor's takeover for the women. Though Hathor has escaped the SGC, her power over the men on the base is not as gone as everyone thinks. Remember how the women used their feminine charms to escape the cell? Their ruse involved Janet kissing one young Airman. Inspired by that one kiss, the Airman develops a crush on Janet, which soon turns into a dangerous obsession.... If you enjoy a long, well plotted story with a good mix of UST, suspense, mystery and humour, what are you waiting for? Go read.[1]


  1. ^ rec at Crack Van, April 2006