Arms and the Man

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Title: Arms and the Man
Author(s): sam_storyteller
Date(s): 22 January 2012
Length: ~14,600 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction, pre-TA
Fandom(s): Captain America/Iron Man, The Avengers (2012), MCU
External Links: Arms and the Man (Dreamwidth)
Arms and the Man (AO3)

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Arms and the Man is a Steve/Tony story by sam_storyteller.

Summary: His best friend keeps cockblocking him, his relationship guru is a computer, and he might be gay. The future is very complicated.

Recs and Reviews

Steve comes to terms with the future, his own sexuality, and his attraction to Tony. JARVIS helps. Tony is Tony.[1]

I think that with all the characters they're going to be juggling in the Avengers movie there won't be nearly enough time spent for my taste on Captain America adjusting to the 21st century and thinking toothpaste is awesome, because seriously, you could do a whole movie just about that. So hooray for fanfic filling in the (prospective) spaces! Also, your opening made me realize that Steve Rogers = Benton Fraser, which kind of explains why I went wibble for the former's movie when I saw it a few weeks ago. I'm just in a "really good guy out of his time" mood lately, I suppose. And if that guy asks for love advice from a very polite AI, all the better. :)[2]

One of the firsts Avengers!fanfictions I’ve read. What I like the most is this “relationship” between Steve and Jarvis. The A.I. is here a proper character. Their interactions are funny and cute. Dialogues are perfect, I mean it really sounds like Tony Stark and his rambling talk leads to some funny situations. There is a little Steve/Pepper moment, good and short. The love scene was well introduced, not graphic at all, it was write with perfect ease. Well written, nice to read and In Character.[3]

I’ve been reading sam_storyteller since the “Stealing Harry” days, and every time he starts writing in a new fandom I want to squeal with glee because it is always so good. This is no exception. Steve tries to navigate sex and relationships in the 21st century while going to Tony and JARVIS for advice. The results are about what anyone but Steve might expect.[4]


  1. ^ mysticalchild_isis. Avengers Fanfic Recs: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark. (Accessed 02 May 2012)
  2. ^ sabra_n. Comment, 23 January 2012.(Accessed 02 May 2012)
  3. ^ "My AVENGERS REC!fics". Archived from the original on 2023-05-05.
  4. ^ "Dec 30, 2012 Tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2023-05-05.