An Admirable Solution

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Fraser/Kowalski Fanfiction
Title: An Admirable Solution
Author(s): Speranza
Date(s): 2003-07-16
Length: 25,539 words
Genre: slash
Fandom: due South
External Links: at Speranza's website; at AO3

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An Admirable Solution is a Fraser/Kowalski story by Speranza. Fraser and Ray start having casual sex.

Author's summary: "Having sex with Fraser was great, but it was still kind of like being punched out by an orgasm. Which was kind of fun, but ow."

It was podficced by crinklysolution in 2011.

Reactions and Reviews

While enduring a long stakeout, Fraser and Ray get to talking about how long it's been since either of them had sex. Answer? Too long. And once Ray manages to work into the conversation the fact that he's 'flexible' well... Let's just say that Fraser comes up with a solution to the whole 'lack of sex' problem. It involves lots of sex, and no strings. Except that Ray doesn't do casual, and it doesn't take long before he starts wanting things he can't have. 'An Admirable Solution' manages to be angsty without being melodramatic, and I really like the way that the whole question of homophobia is handled. Most of the issues come from Fraser, who is basing his opinion on how the world works on two things: the way gay men were assigned when he graduated from the Depot (twenty years before) and Ray Vecchio's reaction to Fraser being gay (i.e., to cover it up, which makes sense, since Ray is both Catholic and a cop). The end result is that, while homophobia is still presented as something to worry about (just like any other form of bigotry, from racism to misogyny), Fraser's reactions to it are unnecessarily overblown. Because, if there's one thing we can count on from Fraser, it's to be a freak. And that's why we (and Ray, even if it annoys the crap out of him) love Fraser so much. [1]

My favourite fic of all time is An Admirable Solution by Sporanza [sic]. It’s a Due South fic, and it’s a Fraser/Ray Kowalski fic in which they start having sex, and then they fall in love, but for reasons that do not need exploring at this juncture they don’t tell each other that they’re falling in love and so the angst builds and grows and it’s beautiful... I love that trope and she does it really, really, really well in that fic. [2]

Oh, man, I loved this. Just Fraser and Ray and both of them just

a *bit* fucked up and the rising arc of frustration and insanity and *wrong* that Speranza manages to pull out right in the end. Mmm. I think I might have preferred this one darker, but then I'm fucking perverse.

Besides, it's not like I didn't fucking *adore* this. Good boys. [3]
