All That Tomorrow Brings

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Title: All That Tomorrow Brings
Author(s): TARDIScrash
Date(s): 20 March 2012 - 18 May 2012
Length: 37,571
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Iron Man: Armored Adventures, The Avengers (2012), Captain America
External Links: All That Tomorrow Brings (AO3)

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All That Tomorrow Brings is a Steve/Tony story by TARDIScrash. The author's notes say that it's set in the Iron Man: Armored Adventures 'verse but should be accessible as a high school AU to anyone who hasn't seen it.

Summary: Captain America is a seventeen year old Tony Stark's idol. Steve Rogers is his art history teacher.

Recs and Reviews

Takes place in the Iron Man: Armoured Adventures series, where Tony, Pepper and Rhodey are in high school. Captain America is found, and to keep him occupied, SHIELD has him become a teacher at Tony's school. Tony being himself, he decided to seduce poor Mr. Rogers, the art teacher. Tony's 17 here, with only a few months til he's 18. Steve/Tony, possible Clint/Natasha?, 14A.[1]

There are now TWO Armored Adventures Tony/Steve stories! Six thousand cookies of approval![2]

Fantastic 10-chapter AU where Steve is an Art History professor and Tony’s the smart-ass student. They still have their super powers but they don’t know they’re working together on field, it’s pretty awesome. I love Nat and Clint in this one, though I didn’t much care for Pepper. Haha.[3]


  1. ^ "Avengers fic". Retrieved 7 July 2012.
  2. ^ damalur. Pinboard summary, 17 May 2012. (Accessed 07 July 2012)
  3. ^ "REPOST: Compiled Stony High School/College AUs". Archived from the original on 2023-05-05.