All Eyes on Me

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Title: All Eyes on Me
Author(s): Aurum_Auri
Date(s): 13 Apr 2017 - 12 Apr 2018
Length: 157,128
Genre(s): A/B/O Camboy AU
Fandom(s): Yuri!!! on Ice
External Links: AEOM (English) at AO3
AEOM (Portuguese) at AO3

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All Eyes on Me is a popular A/B/O fic in the Yuri!!! on Ice fandom. It features Yuuri as a camboy named "Eros" who spends his heat with Victor, a camboy named "Aria." The fic spawned Aurum_Auri's Camboy Omegaverse series, which currently has 10 works including All Eyes On Me, and is the third most popular YOI A/B/O fic on AO3 by kudos[1] and second most popular by bookmarks.[2] There is also an official translation into Brazilian Portuguese by gold_on_ice. It's most well-known for being the originator of Victor's 14 Inch Dick,[3][4][5] a meme in the YOI fandom, as Victor in the fic does indeed have a 14 inch dick.

Written and posted over a course of a year, All Eyes on Me (AEOM) is one of the most popular fics in the Yuri!!! On Ice fandom. It was written in the early rise of the fandom in 2017 and can be considered something of a Fandom Classic. Aurum_Auri was already somewhat of a BNF in the fandom thanks to the A Cat of A Different Color series [1], but AEOM quickly rocketed Auri into popularity.

The fic is an A/B/O Camboy AU featuring Yuuri as an up and coming camboy who joins legendary camboy Victor for his livestreamed rut after his stream mod Phichit contacts him and connects the two. Yuuri and Victor then start dating before Yuuri's insecurities cause him to break up with Victor and Yuuri is then kidnapped by an overzealous "fan" before the pair make up. The summary for the fic is:

Yuuri, under the username of Eros, is a size queen omega who most certainly does not have an obsession with fellow camboy and legendary silver-haired alpha Aria. Just like Phichit is not the most meddlesome roommate known to man.

During the course of the fic, Auri took kink suggestions from readers through both the fic's comments and Tumblr asks leading to a small community forming around the fic.

Fan Comments

Let me just tell you that I absolutely LOVE All Eyes on Me and your writing style and everything! But.. I never really thought much about how Victor's dick is 14 inches long since I don't get what inches are in centimeter and I just looked it up and.. ARE YOU SURE HIS DICK IS 35 CM LONG?? IF SO HOLY COW!!?? Love you stay healthy xx[6]
So I just saw a ruler. I don't see rulers often bc I don't need them. But I was helping my sister pack her old office stuff and saw a ruler. And realized I severely underestimated the size of something. I DIDNT REALIZE HOW FUCKIN HUGE VIKTOR'S DICK IS. 14 INCHES IS WILD. THIS MAN DONE REARRANGED YUURI'S INARDS.[7]
So it was truly only a few days ago that I started reading a/b/o fics, and I had avoided them for a long time. Some aspects of the universe make me uncomfortable, and as such, I'm very picky about the omegaverse fics I read. But yours had been recommended so highly, so I decided I would give it a shot. Now having read it, I am so glad I did, and I can see why so many people praised it! I really appreciate your characterization, I think it's spot on. The idea of Yuri as a gamer who does Let's Plays really rings true to me, and I thoroughly enjoyed that chapter after the wonderful heat/rut chapter. And my boy Phichit being the best! I love how you've shown his relationship with Yuuri! I'm very interested to see where this plot line of internal struggle goes with Yuuri, as I've never seen it handled as well as you are writing it here. All in all a great fic! I fully understand that real life takes priority, but I hope you will continue this story, as I would love to read more![8]
oh my god my sweet boy yuuri is safe i would like to thank not only god but also jesus

i was scared while reading this thinking that yuuri wouldnt be safe until next chapter but whew here he is, all safe and sound in victor's arms

i hope that creepy ass kidnapper gets his balls torn out painfully or smth as yurio said[9]
HOLY SHIT WHY?! OH MY GOD I SWEAR TO GOD, YUURI'S PSYCHE IS ONE OF THE MOST EXTREME THINGS I'VE EVER READ. As an author, how are you able to write that, the most literal description of roller-coaster emotions, and just end it with a nonchalant AN at the end?! Ahhhh my poor heart. It's so fucking good and it made me so emotionally invested that I literally felt it. It's extreme. Extreme. Extreme, I tell you. Too much. Way too fucking much. It's as strong as how my anxiety gets and god I must be a masochist for wanting to read more. GAH YOURE AMAZING I SWEAR FUCK MARRY ME[10]
Hello and welcome to I put off all my responsibilities to read this for a third time. It just keeps getting better and better with each read through. Such a fan of your writing. I think the thing that struck me differently this time around was Yurio's responses to everything. For as prickly and brash as he is, he still fought to respect Yuuri's wishes of privacy. And I loved how we got his perspective when it came to cleaning the apartment and specifically Yuuri's bedroom. There was so much determination. He recognized the set up and the importance that it had on Yuuri's life and he made the point to right the wrong of the dumb fuck of an alpha. Love the IceTiger![11]



There aren't enough words for how incredible this fic is -- I have been OBSESSED with it for days because of a friend's recommendation. This was the first YOI fic I read after I finished watching the series, and my GOD did it push a hell of a lot of my buttons (in a good way, in the BEST way).

I was almost late to work yesterday because of this fic -- I was far too enraptured by the livestream + aftercare chapters, lol

Thank you for this fic -- it's just lovely. The way you wrote Yuuri was so endearing and relatable -- I just wanted to scoop him up and tell him everything would be alright. The way he is with his anxiety is exactly the way I am, and it tugged at my heart. ♡

And the SMUT. THE GLORIOUS, SINFUL ***BUFFET*** OF SMUT. I am not too proud to admit that I blushed. A lot. That's not an easy feat to accomplish for a fellow smut writer, and I clearly have a lot more to learn, Sensei.

20 out of 10. Will recommend to everyone I know until they disown me.



  1. ^ Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics tag, restricted to works in Yuri!!! on Ice and sorted by kudos. Accessed 11 Apr 2023.
  2. ^ Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics tag, restricted to works in Yuri!!! on Ice and sorted by bookmarks. Accessed 11 Apr 2023.
  3. ^ butleronduty (2020-11-27). ""you are qualified for a veteran's card if you lived through victor's 14 inch …". Twitter. Archived from the original on 2023-04-16.
  4. ^ AurumAuri14 (2023-03-18). ""I mean. Is it even a question? All Eyes on Me, followed by…". Twitter. Archived from the original on 2023-04-16.
  5. ^ weisizhui (2021-11-27). ""he officially beat viktor nikiforov's 14 inches damn". Twitter. Archived from the original on 2023-04-16.
  6. ^ anonymous (2017-05-08). "Let me just tell you that I absolutely LOVE All Eyes on Me and your writing style and everything!". Tumblr. Archived from the original on 2023-04-13.
  7. ^ anonymous (2017-07-08). "So I just saw a ruler. I don't see rulers often bc I don't need them". Tumblr. Archived from the original on 2023-04-13..
  8. ^ Katsudonforthesoul (2017-08-06). "So it was truly only a few days ago that I started reading a/b/o …". AO3. Archived from the original on 2023-04-13.
  9. ^ chattoyant (2018-02-16). "oh my god my sweet boy yuuri is safe i would like to …". AO3. Archived from the original on 2023-04-13.
  10. ^ Orlaithe (2021-01-14). "HOLY SHIT WHY?! OH MY GOD I SWEAR TO GOD, YUURI'S PSYCHE …". AO3. Archived from the original on 2023-04-13.
  11. ^ FromTheInsideOut (2022-03-30). "Hello and welcome to I put off all my responsibilities to read this …". AO3. Archived from the original on 2023-04-13.
  12. ^ DeadlyGlacier (2022-11-01). "Okay. Okay. O-*kayyyy.* There aren't enough words for how incredible this fic is …". AO3. Archived from the original on 2023-04-13.