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Title: Adamant
Author(s): whizzy
Date(s): 11 May 2012
Length: 60,994 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction, historical AU
Fandom(s): The Avengers, Captain America, Iron Man
External Links: Adamant (AO3)
Art: Cap/Iron Man Reverse Bang (LiveJournal)
preview banner with thumbs from all three pieces of fanart by coinin

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Adamant is a Steve/Tony historical AU by whizzy. It was written for the Cap/Iron Man Reverse Bang. The fanart it is based on was created by coinin.

Summary: Anthony Stark, Lord of the city of Mainhett, undertakes an expedition to recover the lost shield of a legendary paladin.

Recs and Reviews

Stephen, paladin of a lost goddess. One of three pieces of fanart by coinin.

I’d never done any kind of fandom writing thing before, but it was so much fun, and working with Whizzy was great.

And the fic! The fic, which makes me so, so happy! Whizzy took my drawings and turned them into a story of intrigue and adventure. There’s Stephen the paladin, of course [...], Anthony the metallurgist, and a Mother Goddess who looks suspiciously like one Peggy Carter. There’s also appearances by Rhodey, Happy, Pepper, Natasha, a delightfully evil Obadiah Stane, and mention of Nick Fury.

But most of all, there’s Steve and Tony (or Stephen and Anthony) dancing around each other; awkward and a little heartbreaking, until the the end when everything is right and perfect.[1]

Adamant by Whizzy is a lovely AU set in Enlightenment era Europe. Steve is even more religious than in modern day, as appropriate to the time--but instead of the "Father" the one he's dedicated to is the "Mother," based on Peggy. Tony/Steve. Check out the beautiful artwork, too.[2]


  1. ^ coinin. Rec: "Adamant", Steve/Tony Historical AU, 12 May 2012. (Accessed 16 May 2012)
  2. ^ "Comment on Paladin Stories". Archived from the original on 2023-05-05.