A Question of Trust (X-Files story)

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Title: A Question of Trust
Author(s): Xanthe
Date(s): 1998?
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): The X-Files
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A Question of Trust is an X-Files story by Xanthe. The pairing is Skinner/Scully.

The Author Commented

In 2001, Xanthe said in an interview:

What was the first X-files/Skinner story that you wrote and what inspired it?

The first one was a really bad post-"Redux" threesome that has never been posted anywhere and is still languishing on my hard drive. I seem to recall that flying frogs featured strongly which is a good reason for it not seeing the light of day! The next stories I wrote, and I'm not sure what order they were in, were "A Question of Trust" and "Role Play". "Role Play" is mostly slash, but "A Question of Trust" is my first Skinner/Scully. I'm still very fond of it! I was inspired to write "A Question of Trust" by Scully's insistence in "Redux" that Skinner was "dirty". I wanted to howl and yell! I mean how much *more* does the poor guy have to do to show he's trustworthy! I'm very "ambidextrous" in that as far as I'm concerned a story can be about Skinner with *anybody*, male or female, or more than one person - I just want to show Skinner being lusted after, looked after, adored, kissed, trusted etc, etc, etc! [1]
