A Long Way to Go

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Title: A Long Way to Go
Author(s): grand_duc
Date(s): 29 September 2011
Length: 26,266 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The Avengers (Marvel), Marvel 616, MCU
External Links: A Long Way to Go (AO3)
A Long Way to Go (1) (2) (3) (4) (LiveJournal)

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A Long Way to Go is a Steve/Tony fantasy historical AU by duc. The story is based on a prompt from the 1st round of the Avenger kink meme and was written for the Cap/Iron Man Big Bang 2011.[1]

illustration by stormseye

Prompt: A historical AU where Tony is a young nobleman who is kidnapped and sold into slavery by business rivals, and Steve is some kind of warrior who purchases him either for armour care or because he says he can build trebuchets or something. Tony assumes he'll also be performing sex slave duties, and when Steve turns out to find banging people who are technically his property off-putting, Tony gets quite irritable and demands to be taken advantage of.

Summary: Tony is not a very good slave, Steve is in over his head.


stormseye made an illustration for the story and said about it in the artist notes: "I was going for how Tony seems to own who he is and what he wants vs, Steve who may own Tony, but he's not, well, owning it."[2]

Inoshi made a multimedia installation featuring a scene from the story. The scene is presented in comic style and accompanied with music. To navigate, readers can use the left and right dagger icons in the corner of the page.[3]

A few screencaps from the installation:


  1. ^ grand_duc in cap_ironman. BigBang: A Long Way to Go, pg-13, 30 September 2011. (Accessed 01 July 2012)
  2. ^ stormseye. Big Bang Art, 29 September 2011. (Accessed 01 July 2012)
  3. ^ "A scene from grand_duc's fic "A Long Way to Go"". Retrieved 1 July 2012.