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Name/s: etcetera-cat
Fandom/s: due South, Torchwood, Heralds of Valdemar, Doctor Who, c6d
You can find me at: livejournal insanejournal website
On Fanlore: My contributions / email me

My name is etcetera-cat (or e-cat, etc, or any other variation you care to toss my way). I've been fannish for much of my life, and actively fannish in the on-line, fandom, sense since 2001. At this point in time, no number of steps would be enough to 'save' me. I flit from fannish love interest to fannish love interest like a particularly absent-minded butterfly, but also do a rather large side of slavish adoration.

I am currently active in due South (and the C6D) and Heralds of Valdemar fandom, and have been known to produce content for Good Omens, CSI, Torchwood, Doctor Who and Jasper Fforde's Thursday Next Chronicles.