Tunneltalk/Issue v.1 n.7

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Tunneltalk is a Beauty and the Beast (TV) letterzine edited by Barbara Storey, Victoria Clark and Sharon Himmanen.

There were 17 issues.

This zine began after the letterzine Passages ended.

From the August 1991 issue: "This publication is intended as an outlet for fans; it will not be sent to either Witt-Thomas or Republic, or anyone else connected with the show, so don't be afraid to say your piece."

v.1 n.7

Tunneltalk v.1 n.7 was published in September 1990 and contains 45 pages.

covers of v.1 n.7
  • contains the short fiction by Gretchen A.K. Kopmanis called "Legend"

v.1 n.7: Excerpts from the Letters

[Barbara S, the editor]: It used to be that we sold 300 copies a month to Creation, at half the cover price; we felt it was worth it, because it gave us an extra amount of assured working capital, and it was a way to get TT out to those fans who are not familiar with fandom itself, hopefully encouraging them to join all of us and find out just how much B&TB fandom has to offer. But, Creation has found that letterzines are difficult things to sell through the mail, so they have cut back their order from 300 to only 50, which leaves us with a $250 hole in our monthly budget!

[Barbara S, the editor]: On a slightly sticky note: there have been — in the last issue and this one — a number of letters where people have expressed various opinions about Stephanie Wiltse, editor of Pipeline. Since these opinions, though negative, were rationally expressed, this left us in a difficult situation: not wanting to tell our subscribers what they could and couldn't write about, understanding that some people have a need to vent their frustrations at current situations in fandom, but realizing that they only show one side of a story, and also not wanting to perpetuate negative discussion of B&TB fans rather than positive discussions of B&TB itself (we have seen the former ravage letterzines before). The decision we have come to is this: These letters have been printed, and copies of them have been sent to Ms. Wiltse (who is not a subscriber), so that she is aware of what is being said about her. She has been given an invitation to respond to them, if she chooses. (We have also heard, from someone who received a copy, that Ms. Wiltse recently wrote a letter to TT, but we have never received it, and naturally cannot print a letter that is not sent to us.) After that response has been received and printed, we would like to ask that anyone who wishes to continue a dialogue with her do so in private correspondence, and return — within the pages of TT — to B&TB itself, and the positive, constructive elements of our fandom ... such as passionate discussion of characters/episodes/ideas, our efforts to support the dream that is B&TB, whatever that means to each of us, and fostering the creativity and friendship so many of us have found with each other. Does that sound fair? [1]

[Helen C]:

The San Diego incident (Eds. note: the incident Helen refers to is a Creation convention last spring where Roy Dotrice spoke about a private conversation he had had with a fan who did not like third season, and where he referred to her and others who did not like it as "bad seed" and people who had to be brought around to a correct way of thinking.) has been on my mind since it occurred and if s time to express my opinion, since I can no longer keep silent. If I had been in San Diego to hear Mr. Dotrice's diatribe, I know I would have been mortified. To put it kindly, he was misinformed, and accepted the word of his source as the gospel truth. Unfortunately, it was not. I am sure he did not suddenly pounce on the fan named, proceed to call her when witnesses were present, and upbraid her at home and on stage for her "lack of support" without first receiving incorrect and exaggerated information from this source.

If we as ordinary fans are constantly warned not to spread or believe stories unless we are absolutely sure they are factual, how much more important is it for a respected and well-loved actor to follow this guideline? Or is it that for a "star," rules are suspended? The fan in question, as he would have learned had he consulted other fan leaders, has always been one of the staunchest supporters of B&TB from the beginning through the first two seasons. If she chose not to like the third season, as many of us have, she should not be blasted for it in public by someone who does not know what he is talking about. It would have been more in keeping with the character of "Father" to act as a conciliator, rather than as one who has widened the schism. Even worse is the fact that, as a star, those spoken words carry the weight of believability, while the chastised fan cannot stand before an audience who will pay to hear her side of it.

As TunnelCon approaches, we are all looking forward to a great time. Well, I know some fans who will not be attending, since they have decided to stay away to minimize the controversy. These fans are my friends, and I will miss them. If Mr. Dotrice does not appear at TunnelCon, I cannot say the same about him. Enough damage has been done to one most undeserving. A public apology at least would have been in order, if for no other reason than to reestablish respect and fairness in B&TB fandom. If it is not forthcoming, how many fans will continue to believe that the truth was only what they heard at the San Diego con?

[Anita M. H]: For me, as with so many others, Catherine is still alive. The only way I can continue to enjoy this is to believe that she didn't die. There was a little phrase going around at TunnelCon that was being used to describe stories in the fanzines. I heard people ask, "Is it an 'SND' story?" Well, I had to ask. It stands for "She's Not Dead." I love it! There are really a lot of great zines out there, and I think there is something for everybody. For myself, if it's an "SND" zine, it's as good as bought. If it's not, I already know I don't want to read it.

[Adele S]:

Tunnel Con was over about two weeks ago, and I'm still trying to analyze all that went on. On balance, it was a good experience, yet it does not seem likely that the much-hoped-for healing will occur soon.

I was very happy to meet and talk with other fans from all over the country and Europe. I was amazed that we all spoke to each other politely, and listened to each other's opinions. The majority of people I spoke with generally disliked Season Three; those who found some things to like about it were treated with respect and responded in kind. How unsettling it was then to hear Roy Dotrice's tape, urging us "nay-sayers" to come back into the fold — as if we ever left it. Mr. Dotrice's comments, however well-intentioned, combined with the two special awards to the parties that bear much responsibility for causing the split, did nothing to ease the rift; the probable result is the ongoing need for everyone to again take sides.

All the self-proclaimed leaders and experts who claim a direct link with the producers and stars of B&TB were in attendance. I came home to find that I missed Ron Perlman's appearance on "Live with Regis and Kathie Lee" on Monday morning, missed in part because no one at TunnelCon knew or announced his appearance. Certainly it is no big deal to miss an appearance — I am hopeful that someone will either send me a tape copy or synopsis of what he said. It does point out the fact that really no one has any more information on what is going on than anyone else, despite what they maybe claiming. Perhaps we should remember this next time we are told how to behave, or what is being planned. Maybe when we all come to the realization that there are no "leaders" in this fandom, then we can finally heal the rift.


Is anyone else cringing at the thought of a theatrical movie with Ron Koslow at the helm again? Perhaps I am too unforgiving, but if a movie does make it to the theaters, I will wait to see Ron Perlman's name, in addition to Linda Hamilton's, as the stars before I plunk down my $7. Of course I will be writing to support the movie — but the way I would like to see it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

[Guinn B]:

Okay, TLBL is appalling and it makes me sick, but l'm afraid not to buy it — what if they use its failure as an excuse not to release the GOOD episodes?" That's like saying, "Sure, 'Bruno' is a drunk, and he gets violent when he's drinking, but he has a lot of good qualities I'll miss out on if I don't marry him." Friends, I refuse to put up with Koslow and Co's abuse just because they tell a good story when they "feel like it." Are we so valueless that we have to let three wiseguys beat us up emotionally — and PAY them for it, no less? I owe them nothing. Any loyalty I may have been liable for to them was canceled when they lied to me (and you, too) and violated my trust (our trust). If you've got a relationship with an abuser you have to think more of yourself than to go on being stepped on. (That doesn't mean you have to leave the children behind, though. I didn't. When I 'left" Koslow, I took Vincent AND Catherine with me, and now the louse can't hurt either one anymore!) I think we fans sometimes forget who the customer is. They need us.'. We don't need to please them. If their flavor of fantasy tastes nauseous, we owe it to ourselves to spit it out. By now we can do Beauty and the Beast better than they can or want to. Linda Hamilton is a smart lady — she had their number a year ago. They tried to trash her for defying them, but she's still stepping along just fine without them, and Ron Perlman is doing even better than he's ever done, so I for one will rejoice for (Linda & Ron P.) them, support their acting careers as best I may, and let the Terrible Trio (Koslow, Gordon & Ganza) sink beneath the weight of their own malice — or get themselves together and start behaving like grown men for a change.

As far as Beauty and the Beast fandom is concerned, I don't see why it has to die. Star Trek didn't, even though there were no new episodes for over fifteen years. Fans resurrected that show because we never stopped loving it. I believe I'll love Vincent and Catherine until the day I die; I'll never believe that Catherine is dead, and the dream will survive long after the S & M boys have gone unlamented to their graves.

This is a very vehement letter for me, but I'm in a militant frame of mind. Hope no one is offended. Be well everyone.

[Alice A. B]:

I'd like to start this letter off with a thank-you. Thank you, TUNNELTALK, for proving me wrong. In a letter I wrote earlier, I expressed my frustration and feelings of hurt over what Beauty and the Beast fandom had become. I wrote, "There is no SAFE PLACE for us outcasts of fandom," fans who did not share in the "accepted" view. (Whichever view that was.).Shortly after I sent that letter off, I attended the by now infamous Beauty and the Beast Creation Convention held in San Diego, California, with guest Roy Dotrice. Where, to my utter disbelief, Mr. Dotrice proceeded to go through all those same one-sided opinions that had originally driven me to write my first letter. I felt as if he was striking out at me personally, for I — like those he chastised — was not happy with third season. I wondered if anvone had ever told him the other side of all this. Were those his own opinions, or someone else's filtered through an unknowing pond. Did it even matter? The damage had been done. This "rift" in fandom, this "wound" had just begun to heal. It had calmed down just enough for a thin layer of healing to reconnect the divided halves of fandom. Then came San Diego, and left feeling that the wound had been ripped open all over again. Only now it was worse. For now it was filled with spite, hate and vengeance.

Afterwards, I was left bewildered, hurt and very angry. Hopelessness began to settle in; after all, what was the point? How many more times would fandom reopen that wound, striking out at each other?

I sat down today and looked through what I had brought home from that ill-fated Convention and found a copy of TUNNELTALK that I had brought home. When I opened it and began reading, I found hope again. I read Barbara Storey's letter, in which she wrote, "There are safe places in this fandom ..." and I was reminded of my original letter, that had cried out for a SAFE PLACE. Maybe I was not alone in this growing absurdity of oppression. Perhaps there still was hope for this fandom.

Barbara, maybe Vincent can live after all. I truly hope so.

[Joyce F K]:

My enjoyment of Beauty and the Beast might very well have continued with no major problems. At this point, may I express the real reason for my LOC tonight. The bond between Catherine and Vincent; their unique, spiritual, eternal connection represented, to me, the "true spirit of Beauty and the Beast" and as such — the bond meant everything. I believe that the bond existed in a plane other than just the mortal plane, the love between Vincent and Catherine existed (still exists) forever in "all the worlds of God." Therefore, any forms of Beauty and the Beast which neglect, erase, belittle, undermine or otherwise obliterate the bond are form sof Beauty and the Beast which are not perfect. In other words, the other forms (including the third season) are imperfect, unnatural, inadequate, tangential and sorely lacking.

Here is the thought — I would rather have my version of perfect Beauty and the Beast, with the bond intact and the eternal love between Catherine and Vincent (both alive, thank you) evolving along unhampered; but I see that the various other aspects of the show we were exposed to for two years are indeed still present in the new form. Other aspects do not take the place of the most important and essential aspect (the bond), but in the absence of the perfect form, I do agree that there were enough remnants of the wondrous, enough fragments of the power, enough evidence of the ethics to make the show worth watching. Now, worth watching, as an example of television's best, does not come close to my past experience with the show. It used to be "essential to the soul" watching, "perfection" watching; it unfortunately became just "worth" watching; not unlike any number of other shows currently available on the tube. I don't think there's anything I would rather have than "classic" Catherine and Vincent returned to the television screen (or movies), but if I must be honest, I'll tell you that one can be both a classic fan as well as fan of third season. I feel that I am such a fan; however the enjoyment of third season must be bittersweet, knowing that perfection was ripped from the very heart and soul of the show, leaving us with the more common type of television, albeit excellent television. I cling to the zines, for in some of them are the sparks of perfection; I embrace the friends, for in them is the love; I rejoice in the dream — keep the dream alive.

  1. ^ Stephanie Wiltse addresses this letter in Pipeline v.4 n.2/3. Some of this letter: "Of the three letters apparently published in TUNNEL TALK, only one was a legitimate grievance involving first-hand experience (but even granting the extenuating circumstances put forth, I still disagree with the correspondent). As for the other two, I have no control over how and from what sources of disinformation they managed to form their incredible opinions. I will not dredge up, as invited, what will only be used as more ammunition, nor by so doing have anyone else just as innocent caught once again in the rumour mill's vicious crossfire." See Pipeline v.4 n.2/3 for more of this letter.