So You Wanna Write a Slash Sex Scene. Have Your Done Your Homework?

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Title: So You Wanna Write a Slash Sex Scene. Have Your Done Your Homework?
Creator: Caro Dee
Date(s): June 16, 2003
Medium: online
Topic: Fanfiction, Explicit
External Links: So You Wanna Write a Slash Sex Scene. Have Your Done Your Homework? -- at Fanfic Symposium, Archived version
Caro Dee's website, Archived version
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So You Wanna Write a Slash Sex Scene. Have Your Done Your Homework? is an essay by Caro Dee.

It is part of the Fanfic Symposium series. It was also posted to Caro Dee's website with the slightly modified title: "So You Want to Write a Slash Sex Scene. Have Your Done Your Homework?" It is unknown which posting was first.


So there you are, writing your special fanfic, and you're coming to the end. Everything's resolved and it's time for the sex scene that ends the fic with a climax. Everybody knows this one, right?

In short hand, it's:

  • Declaration of Love (or Hate, adjust for fandom)
  • Kiss
  • Grope
  • Sound of Ripping Clothes
  • Fall into Bed/Couch/Floor/Alley/Mineshaft/Engine Room (adjust for fandom)
  • Blowjob
  • Lube (don't forget the lube!)
  • One/Two/Three Fingers
  • Penetration
  • Various Thrusts and Moans
  • Simultaneous Orgasms
  • Snuggle/Betrayal (again, adjust for fandom)
  • Sleep
  • The End

This is your basic, one-size-fits-all, slash sex scene. Nothing wrong with this scenario. Dressed up or down, it's the little black dress of sex scenes and can be used for any occasion. (For a truly stupendous version of this basic scenario, I invite you to check out With the Night by A. Leigh-Anne Childe. It's Skinner/Krycek of X-Files, which is not to everyone's taste, but the writing is just about the best sex I've ever seen. It's so dense and rich, you could end up reading it for days. And these guys don't even like each other.)


This is off-the-rack (especially if you haven't added your own little touches) and I have to wonder, 'Is this *good* enough for your special fic that you've labored so hard over?' As a writer, I feel my boys deserve something tailor-made for them, and I bet you do too.

"But HOW?" you ask. You are asking, right? Doesn't matter, I'm going to tell you anyway.

Now, some of you may be thinking that I'm telling you to research more accurate details of the actual mechanics of sex. Absolutely not. Go ahead and do that research if you want. You'll have a good time and be able to tell your friends, "Well...actually that's *not* how it works in RL." Maybe you'll even get a few ideas. Frankly, I don't care about RL sex; I want ficsex and that's a whole different ballgame altogether.

I'd like to take a moment to talk about foreplay, all right? Foreplay is good. Women love it. I'm not talking about your boys here. I'm talking about your readers. Ever been on a date where suddenly, at dinner perhaps, you look over and realize you're going to sleep with this person, no ifs, ands, or buts? And they look back and you realize they know it too. You will be experiencing a warm melting feeling and an adrenaline buzz. The rest of the evening is a lovely piece of foreplay all leading to that moment when you invite them up for coffee. That's a good feeling and you can have that in your story. Whether your boys know it or not (and it's hot when they do), your reader can become aware of the little clues of attraction, the subtle flirting, pages and pages before our boys fall into bed. Your reader will be aroused early, have an enhanced sexual experience (um, you know what I mean) and really thank you for it. Just an idea.