Kith, or Kin? (Sentinel story)

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Kith, and Kin?
Author(s): Fluterbev
Genre: gen
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: online here

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Kith, or Kin? is a Sentinel story by Fluterbev.

Reactions and Reviews

Oh holy crap. Jim is *convinced* Blair is using him, and really it seems vaguely possible since a thief is using Jim's senses against him and Blair's hair is at the crime scene, and Blair pepper sprays him and runs for the hills. But Blair would betray his Sentinel.... would he? You HAVE TO read this. HAVE TO. Um, it is gen, so no sex here (although she's started a sexy sequel) [1]

This is a gen fic, but it is so full of exactly the right amount of friendship angst and the type of "kink" that I enjoy. Jim the lawman must go after unintentional criminal Blair and thus jeopardize their friendship.[2]

The Sentinel fandom has slowed down in recent years, so most of the stories I am recommending have been around for awhile. Fortunately there are still some wonderful authors actively creating new fiction. Fluterbev is one of the best. I'm happy for the opportunity to recommend a brand new story from her pen (keyboard?) and equally thrilled to see a 'Coming Soon' announcement on her site.

Someone who knows about sentinels is committing crimes in Cascade. It never occurs to Jim Ellison that the one person he trusts completely could be involved. Can you imagine circumstances that would cause Blair to turn on his Sentinel? At first we can't understand why Blair would feel the need to take this drastic step, in spite of the desperate situation he finds himself in. Why does he make such bad choices? Gradually Fluterbev peels back the layers of old secrets to make us understand.

Jim reacts as we expect, with cold fury, seeing things in the worst possible light. Simon is the voice (and heart) of reason, helping the two to see other possibilities in this satisfyingly long, gripping tale that breaks your heart before healing it.[3]


  1. ^ "Litgal's Recs". Archived from the original on 2021-05-06.
  2. ^ Claudia's Recommendations, July 21, 2006
  3. ^ Kith, or Kin by Fluterbev (R), Archived version by the_hobbet in Crack Van, 2006-03-05.