Classics (or, Your Fanfic Education is Not Complete Until You've Read ...)
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Name: | Classics (or, Your Fanfic Education is Not Complete Until You've Read ...) |
Reccer(s): | "This list is decided by the consensus of a group of long-time fic readers." |
Dates: | |
Focus: | The X-Files |
Fandom: | |
URL: | online here |
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Classics (or, Your Fanfic Education is Not Complete Until You've Read ...) is a list of "must-read" X-Files stories posted at X-Files Lost & Found.
The list may have been a joint effort of Anna Otto, Ashlea Ensro, Danielle Leigh, Maraschino, and FirePhile as they were the five authors actually archived at the site.
The Fics
- 12 Degrees of Separation by Anne Haynes
- 12 Rites of Passage by Anne Haynes
- 2008 by Mystphile {G}{A} [NC-17]
- Abyss Looks Back by Kronos {G}{M}{A} [R]
- Acadia by RivkaT {G}{M}{A} [R]
- The Actor by A.I. Irving {G} [NC-17]
- All Hallow's Eve I and II by Sue Esty (Windsinger) {G}{A} [PG]
- All the Mulders by Alloway {G}{M} [PG-PG-13]
- Antidote by Karen Rasch & Rachel Howard {G}{M} [NC-17]
- Any Other Name by Louise Marin
- Arizona Highways by Fialka {G}{W} [NC-17]
- Basketball Therapy by Kel {G}{A} [PG-PG-13]
- Blinded by White Light by Dasha K {G}{W}{A} [NC-17]
- Blood Oranges by syntax6 {G}{W}{A} [NC-17]
- Butterflies All Tied Up by Bugs {G}{W} [NC-17]
- Camping by Amperage & Livengoo {G}{M} [PG]
- Carol Lee by Westshore {M} [NR]
- Caught in the Act by Parrotfish {G}{W} [NC-17]
- Cheapened Things by MD1016 {G}{W} [NC-17]
- Closet Doors by Narida Law {G}{W} [NC-17]
- Corpse by Livengoo {G}{M}{A} [R - NC-17]
- Covenant by Rhondda Lake {G}{W} [R - NC-17]
- Dance Without Sleeping by Lydia Bower {G}{W}{A} [PG]
- A Dark Slide of Ecstasy by Shalimar {G}{W} [NC-17]
- Darkness & Light Series by Leyla Harrison {G} [PG-R]
- Day 17 by Khyber {G} [NC-17]
- Deal series by Brenda Antrim {W} [PG-13 - NC-17]
- Death Will Be Our Darling by Deborah Goldstein {G}{M}{A} [R]
- Desideratum by Rachel Anton & Laura Blaurosen {G}{A} [NC-17]
- Dragons series by Sheryl Martin {G}{A} [G-R]
- Eleventh Hour by Rachel Anton {G}{M}{W}{A} [NC-17]
- ELS by Dawson Rambo {G}{A} [NC-17]
- Erosion by Annie Sewell-Jennings {G}{W}{A} [NC-17]
- Five Years and One Night by Shalimar {G} [NC-17]
- Floaters by Madeleine Partous {G} [R]
- Fumbling Towards Ecstacy by Jenna Tooms {G}{A} [NC-17]
- Gemma by Kellie Matthews-Simmons {G}{A} [NC-17]
- Genius by Kipler {G} [G]
- Ghosts by torch {A} [R - NC-17]
- The Gift by Sue Esty (Windsinger) {G} [PG]
- Going Nowhere series aka The Road series by Nicole Perry {G}{W}{A} [PG-NC-17]
- Good Vibrations by Lysandra {G}{W} [NC-17]
- Goshen by Bonetree {G}{M}{W} [NC-17]
- Grace Realized by Michaela {A} [R]
- Hardball by Missy Pennington {G} [PG]
- Heaven in Hell's Despair by Meredith {G}{M} [PG-PG-13]
- I Have Known a Boy Named Fox and a Man Named Mulder by Penny Daza {G} [R]
- In Absentia by Queen of Mush (QofMush) {G} [PG]
- In The Ruins by Lydia Bower {G}{W} [NC-17]
- Increments series by Dasha K {G}{W}{A} [NC-17]
- Ingenue by Punk Maneuverability
- Iolokus by MustangSally & RivkaT {G}{W}{A} [PG-NC-17]
- Jasper's Last Thought by MD1016 {G} [PG]
- Katherine of Ireland by Jenna Tooms {G}{A} [NC-17]
- The Lady and the Tiger by Stephanie Davies & Sue Esty (Windsinger) {G} [G]
- Letters of Transit by Lochness {A} [NC-17]
- The Magician Series by Suzanne Bickerstaffe & Jennifer Lyon or Matt Weed {G}{M}{W}{A} [PG-NC-17]
- A Makeshift Kiss by Jill Selby
- Mediocrity's Allure by Jill Selby
- Missing Voices by Joyce & Meredith {G} [R]
- Mistress by Amperage {G}{M}{A} [NC-17]
- Never by Alison Kinney {G}{W} [NC-17]
- No Greater Love by Karen Rasch {G}{A} [R]
- The Offspring by Kelli Rocherolle {G} [PG-R]
- Oklahoma by Amperage & Livingoo {G}{M}{A} [NC-17]
- Open Book series by Summer & Vickie Moseley {G} [PG]
- The Pact by Madeleine Partous {G}{W}{A} [NC-17]
- Paper Saints by Jill Selby {M} [PG]
- Parabiosis by Penumbra {G} [R]
- Playing Goddess by Shalimar {G}{W} [NC-17]
- Point of Origin by Rachel Howard {G} [R]
- Portions of Eternity by Dianora {G}{W}{A} [NC-17]
- Primal Sympathy by Lydia Bower {G}{M}{W}{A} [PG-NC-17]
- Puppets Trilogy by Madeleine Partous {G}{A} [NC-17]
- Rarity of the Human Connection (And Several Months Missed) by MD1016 {G} [R]
- Reach by Khyber {G} [R]
- Revelations series by Windsinger (Sue Esty) {G} [PG-R]
- The Shirt by Audrey Roget {G} [NC-17]
- Silver Bracelet series by Brandon Ray {G}{A} [NC-17]
- Sin Eater by Jane Mortimer {G}{M} [PG-R]
- Skin by Annie Sewell-Jennings {W} [NC-17]
- Small Lives Awake by Jesemie's Evil Twin (JET)
- Snooping Series by Susanne Barringer {G}{W} [PG-NC-17]
- The Sound of Wind Chimes by Sarah Stegall {G}{M}{W} [NC-17]
- Sound of Your Voice by Vickie Moseley & Summer {G} [PG]
- Sounds of Silence by GirlGone
- Specimen 51 by WestShore {M}
- Speechless by Anjou {G} [R-NC-17]
- Spooked by Suzanne Bickerstaffe & Melody {G}{M}{A} [R]
- Stakeout Through the Heart by Barbara D. {G} [PG]
- Strangers and Strange Dead by Kipler {G} [G]
- Taming the Unicorn by Imajiru
- Tangible by Blueswirl {W} [NC-17]
- Tempest by Missy Pennington {G}{W}{A} [R-NC-17]
- Theory and Practice by Nascent
- A Thimble for Peter by S. Anderson & Cheryl DeLuca {G}{A} [PG-R]
- Time by Terma99 {G}{W} [NC-17]
- Transfers by L. C. Brown {G}{M}{A} [PG-13-NC-17]
- Umbra I & II by Dawson Rambo {G}{A} [R]
- The Unicorn Tamed by Imajiru
- Vengeance by Juliettt {G}{A} [PG]
- Venture Forth by Punk Maneuverability
- Volition Unbound by Rachel Anton {G}{W} [NC-17]
- Will to Power by Birgit Mueller {G} [PG]
- Wonderland Series by Karen Rasch {G}{W}{A} [PG - NC-17]
- Words Series by Karen Rasch {G}{W}{A} [G - NC-17]
- Worth Breaking by Narida Law {G}{W}{A} [NC-17]