Carpe Noctem (The Last of the Wine story)

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Title: Carpe Noctem
Author(s): fatalit
Date(s): 28 October 2011
Length: 2639 words
Genre(s): sequel
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
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Carpe Noctem[1]

This story was written in response to the Spooky Halloween Challenge on maryrenaultfics in 2011. Philon, who was the lover of Alexias the Elder and died along with his lover in the Great Plague around the time of Alexias’ (the novel’s protagonist’s) birth appears more than once as a ghost to Alexias to explain he is the reincarnated spirit of Alexias the Elder. The ghost provides advice; Alexias seeks advice from Sokrates; and we see the relationship between Alexias and Lysis. Within the story one also learns details of religious festivals; and various divine influences on every day Athenian life are evoked (rather in the way Renault incorporated them into her writing).

Comments by readers include:

  • I adore the little details, the description, and use of the first Alexias and his lover Philon. You left me breathless.heartofoshun
  • Beautiful, and very evocative of MR herself. I loved that rather than being jealous of Alexias and Lysis, Philon's concern is that Alexias finds happiness--even if it is with another. How very Greek of him.mysid
